Part 11: Chapter #6: Radcot's Trap, Part 1
Simply Simon posted:
It has exactly one scene of voice acting, and don't worry, I figure out some way of getting that scene to you. You'll wish to God I hadn't, but, well, such is life.
Chapter 6: Radcot's Trap

: Caution, Your Highness! Caution!

: You worry too much...

: Bastion, why haven't you tried any of my cooking yet? Just because Ione got sick doesn't mean YOU will!

: Let me ask you a serious question, Bastion. Do you think I'm so good-looking that I intimidate women?
I...what? Shut up, Devlin!

: I don't just love food, Bastion...I LOVE food! I only wish I had two stomachs so that I could eat twice as much!
Barlow: Half-man, Half-fat joke!

: There's not a better warrior than me on the Continent, Bastion. I was born to win.

: When I look at Your Highness, I can't help but remember events which took place long ago..
Why does no one have faith in Radcot. I think the man's gotten a bad rap.
Another choice!

: Stop worrrying, Galvas! We'll be fine! Meeting like this might be a little strange, but perhaps it's Radcot's custom. Who's to say?

: If Radcot attacks, he's a fool. We're strong enough to trounce this puny group of soldiers! No matter what happens, Galvas, we hold the advantage. I'm surprised you don't realize that.

: Your Highness! There is a thin line between confidence and egotism, and I fear you may have crossed it!

: Egotism?! Galvas, with each passing day, I gain experience and strength! That is fact, not egotism!

: Yes, Your Highness...
Either way, it leads to this...

: Wish me luck, Galvas!

: Would it be alright if I wished you skill instead, Your Highness?

: Galvas, I'm not afraid of Radcot. I'm not afraid of anyone. Fear is for the weak of heart. Alugard raised me to be strong.

: He did indeed, Your Highness. You are a living testament to Alugard's strength, and his wisdom.
Christ, Galvas, he was your brother! Show some respect!

: I know you share Alugard's strength, Galvas, and I expect you to use it if you need to.

: Of course, Your Highness. (Alugard, you were a wonderful father. His Highness is a remarkable young man, thanks to you. I will protect your living legacy, no matter what the cost!)

: Eh heh heh heh, Your Highness! I have been most patiently awaiting your arrival! I am obliged to you for accepting my offer and traveling here. I am Duke Radcot, the ruler of the great Muspel Nation. I am certain we could spend hours conversing...But surely you would rather discuss a potential alliance, and what I have learned of Ultragunner. Let me introduce my negotiators...
Uh...maybe they're from the Roger Smith School of Negotiation?

: I knew it! I knew you were planning something evil, Radcot!

: Evil? Such a strong word, Galvas! And an entirely inaccurate method of describing my plans. It is my deepest wish to cooperate with Prince Bastion, and help him locate Ultragunner. Because it is only with Ultragunner that I can assume absolute control of the Continent! Emperor Radcot sounds so much more pleasant than Duke Radcot, don't you think?

: You're seriously mistaken if you believe that will come to pass.

: Eh, heh heh heh. I consider myself quite sane, sir...and it WILL happen, I assure you. Bastion is the only one who can find Ultragunner, and the only one with the ability to use it. General Faulkner also knows this to be true.

: What?!

: But perhaps I have spoken too much. My only dilemma is to decide how to deal with your friends, Bastion. How about this, Bastion? As a gesture of peace and friendship, I will allow them to leave freely. Like you, I do not want to cause any undue suffering to the people of the Continent.

: We rebuke your foolish offer, Radcot! We would never allow you to use His Highness for your insane scheme!

: How unfortunate. I was so hoping to avoid a messy resolution, but not it appears inevitable...
Well, this is a less-than-ideal situation. Still, let's see what we're dealing with.
Eh, these are only threatening in overwhelming numbers....which happens to be exactly the sort of situation we have here.
The Bahamut, on the other hand, is much more threatening. Still, in a normal situation, we could probably deal with it pretty easily. Can Bastion possibly survive?

: Excellent! Prince Bastion is mine! The power of the Ultragunner will be mine to control. Faulkner will kneel in my presence. How delightful! Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah...
Er...I guess not...Next Time: Things to do in Muspel when you're dead...
