Part 20: Interlude #2: Status Checks for all!
Interlude #2: Status CheckThe end of chapter 10 brings another shop, and I figured you might be curious to see how the team is doing....

First off, new weapons. Nothing all that interesting, especially since there's only one new weapon per type, and it's clearly superior to the previous model.

Second, the new stones.

Finally, new amulets. Half of these give you stat boosts, and the other half give you dormant abilities, albeit none that are helpful. If you're really desperate to know how they work, I suppose I could explain further, but most that you can buy aren't worth much, and we don't have any so helpful that they deserve to be shown off....soon, though, soon.
A Brief Treatise on Support Abilities
I don't take a picture of it, but I might as well explain support abilities a bit more. They suck. You can use them in lieu of attacking. Half of them can be used to temporarily raise the stats of an ally, but it's not worth it. The other ones are slightly more useful, but not useful enough.
Earth Heal heals one of your allies. You don't need it.
Turn Quake changes the facing of an enemy. It's even less useful than it sounds.
Cooling Mist reduces the FP of all allies in a range of 2. That's a bit better, but usually not worth it.
Blazing Phoenix fully restore an ally to full health by reducing the user's hp to 1. Suicidally bad.
Holy Light is exclusive to Bastion, and restores FP and HP. You'll probably want Bastion doing other stuff.

Bastion is the class of the team, as he will be for the rest of the game. The only challenge is keeping his levels down in order to unlock a secret.

Reyna, still not great (and she never will be) but at least she's not useless anymore.

Look at that power...excessive? Well, future events will bear out that it isn't. Lamentably, he's never going to be better than a mid-tier unit on the team.

Barlow is never going to be able to do much more than spam Turbulences. That's just how it is. That said, I'll at least be able to get him a better ATAC eventually, although as I never intend for him to come within three squares of an enemy, it doesn't really matter.

One more level...all I need is one more level. Beyond that, however, Zeira is as solid a unit as I could ask for, good HP, high stats, Turbulence. Works for me.

Galvas has not gained a single level since I last did a status update....and I see no reason for that to change in the foreseeable future. Make of that what you will.

Andrew's another solid unit, although he's never going to do a ton of damage. Still, a guy who can use Turbulence and can't be hit has his uses...

Our little killer-in-training is way back at level six, but that's a damned good ATAC, and her high inherent BAS means that she has enough HP so that you don't have to worry too much about her getting killed. This I can work with.
Challenge #6 is still open until tomorrow morning! Please don't leave me with only four entries, it makes picking the top three....awkward.
Next Time: Return uff ein olt Freund!