Part 21: Chapter #11: Thomson's Tragedy, Part 1
Chapter #11: Thomson's Tragedy

: We can strike them from the rear while Thomson hits them from the front! They'll have no chance!

: Bastion, you were just staring at me, weren't you? Oh, no, I'm not offended at all...merely surprised!

: Nana refused to let me give her a piggy-back ride! Why must she be so cruel?!
Maybe the next challenge will be diagnosing Devlin's many, many psychological problems.

: (BURRRP!) I tell you, Bastion, Reyna's burritos taste almost as good coming up as they do going down!

: I'm in a great mood today, Bastion! I think we're on the brink of rolling back the Imperial forces!

: His Majesty the King was a legendary ruler. I expect Your Highness will be a legend in his own right.
The game never actually tells you the name of Bastion's father. He's just 'the King.' It's probably a Hamlet situation, where the old king was also named Bastion.

: I'm sorry, Bastion, but the secrets of coolness cannot be taught...they must be learned.

: You're really nice to me, Bastion! I'm going to marry you and be your princess when I grow up!

: I would speak with Thomson, the Northern Corps Commander!

: Galvas! You have chosen an excellent moment to arrive!

: Continue your assault, Thomson, while we strike the Imperial fools from the rear! Attack!
There's a good reason that the Ultragunner is considered the mightiest ATAC of them all.
Well, that was fast.

: Are you and your men alright, Thomson?

: Yes Galvas, thanks to you. Tell me, Galvas, is that white ATAC what I believe it to be?

: Indeed, Thomson. It is the Ultragunner, with His Highness at the controls.

: Mmmmmmm. Interesting...yes.
Back by popular demand, it's Commander Zakov!

: More Imperial forces!

: Thomson! Join with us to crush these last remnants of the Empire force!

: That I cannot do, Galvas.

: What kind of ungrateful snobbery is this!! We saved your lives, and now you endanger us all with your inaction?

: I cannot help you because that would run counter to the plan I've devised.

: What?! Thomson, you were a man of honor. Please tell me this is some kind of poorly-timed joke. Comfort me with the knowledge that you have not betrayed us to the Empire!

: I'm afraid I cannot offer the consolation you seek, Galvas. My soldiers and I now swear allegiance to the Imperial Army.
Holy fuck, again? Really? This is the third time in four missions that one of the Kingdom's highest ranking officers has turned against. I think I might know the reason that the Kingdom is losing the war; roughly 75% of their army secretly works for the Empire.

: Thomson, you are too strong a man to succumb to the Empire's will. You have fought beside me in untold battles, friend! Together, we have shed a river of Imperial blood! Tell me why you have done this! Tell me!!

: Do you really haff to scream quite so loutly?! Stop standing dhere, Thomson! Attack and kill dhem!

: Yes, Commander Zakov.

: Commander Thomson! These are soldiers of the Kingdom, not our enemies!

: Do not question!! Attack them or face your own demise at my hand!
You know, I think the Kingdom soldiers should be much more worried about facing their demise at my hands.

: Commander Thomson! This is insane! Why are you forcing us to do this?! These are our allies! Why have you abandoned them?! Perhaps it is you we should be attacking instead of these others!

: Shut your mouth, grunt! I don't need to explain the reasons for my orders. You will obey me or suffer the consequences!
Even as a traitor, Thomson will still serve the Kingdom. If he will take up arms against us, then he shall provide XP for my child soldier!
Thomson's blood shall water the seeds of Nana's military career.
Oh, and Zeira got his most powerful attack, Sonic Blade. Kind of a souped-up Turbulence with inferior range. Of course, I don't use Turbulence for the damage, so it's not really all that great. Still, Sonic Blade is a solid attack.
I don't let Bastion attack Zakov in this battle, but you get dialogue if you do...

: I vill haff Ultragunner, not Fokkner! The Empire vill be MINE to control!

: You'll never have Ultragunner. All you have is a few more moments of your pathetic life!
There's not much strategy to this battle. Just don't let yourself get spread out, and you'll be fine. The enemy ATACs simply aren't powerful enough to cause serious problems unless you really miscalculate. Your goal should be getting as many levels for Nana as possible. She should at least get 4, and possibly as many as 6. In this case, I've surrounded Zakov and intend to use him as a human sacrifice in order to boost Nana's level.

: You bastards! How coult you do dhis to me?! I vas going to rule dhe Continent! I vas going to make General Fokkner lick my bootheels! And I vas going to learn how to play dhe piano...!
Missing out on Zakov's musical skills is the real tragedy in this mission.

: (Thomson! Why?!)
Next Time: Words! And it's time to face what you most fear!