Part 24: Chapter #12: The Deadliest ATAC, Part 2
Chapter #12: The Deadliest ATACAlternate Title: This post gave me texticular cancer
Am I allowed to opt-out of a scene?

: Yes...yes, of course, Bastion.

: Sadira, I...

: Hmmmm?

: Until today, it was my belief that the Junaris Empire was entirely evil. Both its citizens and its leaders.
So...when Sadira stepped in to prevent Milea from getting cut in half a couple of missions ago, she was doing for nefarious reasons, then?

: But now I know that I was wrong. There are those in the Empire with evil intent, such as Faulkner...And there are those who want peace between nations--to right the wrongs committed in the Empire's name. I should have believed you sooner, Sadira. I should have seen the desire in your eyes, and in your heart. I thought my desire for revenge had focused my vision...when in fact, it had only blinded me with rage. You revealed the truth to me, Sadira, and I am eternally grateful to you. I consider you the most honorable, most noble, and most beautiful girl I have ever met.
I wonder if there's a lot of Vanguard Bandits fanfics out, cancel that, I really, really, really don't want to know.

: Bastion...

: I owe you my life, Sadira. We could never have defeated Zakov without your help. If ever a time comes when you need MY help, no matter what the reason, call upon me and I will give it. I also hope you will call upon me if you ever wish to discuss more...personal matters.

: You would help me, no matter what the reason? What if I asked you to forsake your inheritance of the Kingdom and help me unite the Continent?

: If you truly care about me, Sadira, you will never force me to make such a choice.
So, when Bastion said he'd do anything for Sadira, he meant anything, you know, within reason.

: Good night, Sadira
Ugh....this game is becoming more like a dating sim all the fucking time. And when we get to the Empire Branch....

: Franco! Just because you have to guard me doesn't mean you have to spy on me from the shadows!

: I apologize, Princess! I didn't mean to listen. Not at first, anyway.

: ... ... ...

: Princess? If I hurt your feelings, I sincerely apologize.

: Not at all, Franco. Let us make haste to return home...I have a great many tasks yet to do.

: Yes, Sadira.
Meanwhile, Sadira isn't even the member of the Imperial family having the worst day!

: I'm standing right here! There's no need to scream! Now tell me what's going on!!

: I apologize for having to deliver such distressing news, Your Highness...But your father, Emperor Degalle, has been assassinated.
Oh, no, not the Emperor! You remember him, right? He was in that flashback back in Chapter 3? He convinced Faulkner's dad and Bastion's dad to kill each other? No? Well, he'd dead now.

: What?! That old goat was far too tenacious to yield to assassins! You are obviously mistaken!

: I'm afraid not, Your Highness. The King is dead. I won't describe the condition in which we found him.

: Have you found the assassin?! We will lop off his head and return it to the Kingdom from whence he came!

: We have not found the assassin yet, Your Highness, but we do not believe the Kingdom orchestrated this. The evidence at the scene leads me to believe that your father's murderer is from within our own ranks.

: Unbelievable! Have you any suspects? I want you to interrogate everyone in the palace if you must!

: Actually, Your Highness, many people believe they know who the killer is.

: And what is his name?! I sincerely hope he has already been arrested!

: The lead suspect is you, Prince. Many Imperials seem to lay the guilt for this heinous act at your feet. No one has spoken of this aloud, of course--not yet, at least. But someone will, and once that happens...

: What?!
Well, gee, Duyere, I imagine they'll throw you a lovely parade for your alleged parricide. What do you think is going to happen?

: I've never heard anything so ludicrous! Why would I betray my own father?! What would I have to gain from his death?! Tell me who is spreading these lies, and I shall have their loose tongues cut out of their large mouths!

: Caution, Your Highness! We are in the midst of an extremely dangerous situation! If your father can be assassinated in the palace, you can surely be slain as well. You must act with care. If you do anything foolish, it may be perceived as a sign of your guilt.

: Now I understand. With my father's death, I have inherited leadership of the Empire...But the rumors are probably saying that I was unwilling to wait for my father to die of natural causes.

: Exactly, Your Highness.

: But how can I dispel the suspicion? How can I prove my innocence? Surely you must have some training regarding a situation like this! Tell me what to do!
POSC-82: Coup and Counter-Coup: Contemporary Perspectives on Palace Intrigues. Prof. Rudy MW 11:15-12:45 Pratt 103.

: Frankly, Your Highness, there is only one course of action you can take.

: Yes?!

: You must immediately stake your claim to the throne and announce a ceremony of ascension.

: But I don't understand.

: It's obvious that this assassination was conceived to place suspicion upon you, Prince Duyere. If you proceed to claim the throne, the rumors and suspicion will only increase...And the person who plotted this will make their next move. That is when we shall seize him.

: So we pretend to fall into his trap, when we actually lure the foul traitor into ours...
So the plan to beat the conspiracy is to do the thing that the conspiracy most wants you to do? Brilliant!

: Why didn't I think of that? I will make the announcement of my ascension at once! I expect you to guard me quite closely...And, I have one more request of you.

: Yes, Your Highness?

: I wish to see my father one last time.

: I will take you to him, Prince Duyere.
You, uh, might want to put on some rain boots.
Why is there a fire in the middle of the table. It looks like it would be really hard to manage, since you'd have to climb under the table to deal with the fire. I don't know.

: Emperor Degalle was assassinated. Right in the Imperial Palace!

: Degalle is dead?!

: I have nothing but respect for the assassin. Sneaking into the heart of the Empire and killing its leader? I have to admit that even I would find that a little intense.

: But the most fantastical piece of news is that the assassin looks to be WITHIN the Empire!

: I wonder if Princess Sadira has yet heard the news.
I don't know, but I'm reasonably sure that two scene of characters reacting to the death of a guy we met once in a flashback is more than enough.

: With the death of Degalle, the throne now belongs to Prince Duyere, his son. Duyere is brash and temperamental, like his father, but severely lacking in maturity and experience.

: The same could have been said of me not long ago, Galvas.

: The more I think about it, the more I realize how much this turn of events can benefit us.

: Alas, the Empire is watching the events now unfolding in their realm to see what Duyere does next. It seems this is a choice time to retake Norze Castle. From there we can easily reach the capital.

: I agree with Duke Zeira. To reclaim Norze would be our greatest triumph yet over the Imperial Army.
Really? Better than the time we got the unstoppable force that is the Ultragunner?

: To battle, then!

: I feel strange about taking advantage of the Emperor's death like this.

: It does seem odd, but we must avail ourselves of every chance to thwart the Empire!

: I know, Zeira. I just worry about how Sadira might perceive this...
Well, Bastion, that's the risk you take when you take up with the daughter of your mortal enemy.
Next Time: The dumbest soldiers in the history of warfare!