Part 29: Chapter #15: Ice-Cold Claire
Yeah, the special attacks are kind of hard to guess. Picking the right stone isn't that much of a problem, but the real difficulty is figuring out that you need to pump certain stats to high levels. For example, Devlin's Burning Soul? Not much of a problem, because he leans towards having high POW anyway. Nana's Terra Shock? Well, your POW and DEF need to be raised in 15, and your BAS needs to be 22. I'm not sure how you'd know that without looking it up.
Chapter #15: Ice-Cold Claire

: Melior, please defend the castle while we destroy these intruders.

: Of course, Lord Alden.

: You and Milea were getting pretty cozy back there at Alden's castle...I want all the lurid details!

: I draw upon the strength of my soul when I fight, Bastion...and the souls of the victims of this war!

: Hey, Bastion! You need to try this cup of Hibernian lemon-freeze! It's made from only the finest yellow snow!
Barlow, I....I don't know what to do with you.

: I sometimes wish I could reclaim the youth I've lost, Bastion! I guess I'll just have to live through you!

: Hey, Bastion, I know you're not a doctor or anything...but does this look infected to you?

: Bastion! Barlow looked at Kyu-Kyu and started drooling! Don't let him eat my little Kyu-Kyu!
Hey! If I can't stop Barlow from eating frozen piss, I don't know how the fuck you think I can save you pet!

: I look forward to witnessing your considerable skills in combat once again, Prince Bastion.

: I will fight hard for you, Bastion!

: It is none other than Claire, daughter of Duke Logan, ruler of Nordilain.

: 'Cause if you are, I have to totally subject you to harshness and stuff.

: Mmmmmmm...really, Claire? From your change in demeanor, I must draw the conclusion...that your father has been defeated, and that General Faulkner has your country under his thumb. I pity you.

: Shut UP, Alden!

: Please remain calm, Miss Claire! Alden is attempting to antagonize you into launching a reckless attack!

: And I totally almost fell for it, too. Let's stick to the plan, okay?
Well, unless the plan is the get the crap kicked out of you, I don't know that it's going to work...

: Are you ready, Milea?

: Yes, Bastion. I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready.

: Be patient, and you'll always get an opportunity to strike. Alugard often told me that.

: Thank you, Bastion!
Well, let's see. I outnumber the enemy 9-to-8, my weakest ATAC is stronger than their best one, and the Nordilains still have no defense. This isn't going to take too long.
Claire is the biggest threat in an abstract sense. She has high POW and a fire stone, so she can dish out a fair amount of damage if given the chance.

: With all due respect, miss, you seem just a little tense. What say we leave this battle for a while and go work out the kinks?

: WhatEVER, you gaseous old skank! Why don't I put some kinks in your thick skull instead?!

: ... ... ...
Even Andrew can't think of anything to say to that.
Anyway, the Nordilains are pretty easy if you keep them away from your weaker units. Here, Devlin reduces one of them to vapor in a single blow.
Here's me finishing off Shion. He's not really that dangerous, if only because he's the only Nordilain with a water stone, and so can't use Fireball.

: You're totally going to pay for making me feel ashamed, Alden!

: I sincerely doubt that shall come to pass, dear.
The herd of Nordilains thins pretty quickly. I didn't get a chance to hit Claire with Bastion, but there's some unique dialogue if you do.

: So, like, this is the Ultragunner I've been hearing about? It doesn't look that strong to me!

: Allow me to demonstrate!
And that is the end of that. Not that hard a mission.

: I feel badly that Nordilain fell to the Imperial Army, but I can't let anyone stop us now...

: But, now we know the Empire has Nordilain on THEIR side. That may make the advance more difficult.

: If your Commander Galvas is indeed preparing to launch an assault from the south, we have little choice. All we can do is advance into the Empire's northern regions while watching for Nordilain to strike.

: Agreed, Alden. We cannot give the Empire any time to regroup. We must strike now! Soon, we will march on the Imperial capital, and there I will send General Faulkner to his death.

: All that remains is to make the plan a reality. Let's go!

: Melior, I trust you shall do a fine job of maintaining law and order here during my absence.

: Of course, Lord Alden.

: Excellent. Well, then, Prince Bastion, are you prepared to depart?

: Just call me Bastion, if you would. I've never been found of formality...

: Uh, Andrew, I don't get it...

: Check out your scanners, Bastion! Bad guys on all sides!
Note: The next battle does not feature bad guys on all fact, there are only enemies on one side.

: Someone wants to play rough!

: Nordilain is engaging us again?!
Next Time: An even shorter mission!