Part 32: Chapter #18: Zulwarn Unleashed, Part 1
Chapter #18: Zulwarn Unleashed

: There is no way to achieve victory unless they are drawn out and hit hard.[/img]

: We must find a way to make that happen, Zeira!

: Bastion, if you and Milea get any closer, I will declare you officially whipped! Heh, heh, heh!

: I'm glad that Logan didn't hear me speaking boastfully about him, or he would have torn me apart!

: Once you take over the Empire, can I be allowed to digest...uh, dispose of the Imperial Army's rations?

: Bastion, I just wanted you to know that I'm proud to march into battle with you.

: Bastion, I keep hearing that you're going to marry Milea! Doesn't she know you're going to marry ME?
Ugh. This game is lurching uncomfortably close to Sakura Wars-levels of harem-itude.

: You really want to know why I became a ninja? I thought I'd get to wear that cool black costume.

: Bastion! Have you heard the words Andrew is using to describe various regions of Melior's anatomy?!

: Bastion, while we were apart, didn't take an interest in other girls, did you?
You know what is just killing me? As irritating as this 'Many Loves of Bastion' bullshit is now, it's roughly ten million times worse in the Empire Branch.
You can't see them in this screenshot, but there are two Sharkings right in front of the gate of the fortress.

: Those two ATACs are the same type that Zakov used against us--the type Sadira had outlawed! So why are they being used against us again? Unless...something happened to Sadira!

: Faulkner!

: What class of ATAC is THAT?

: I have also never seen that type of ATAC before, Bastion. Perhaps it is another Imperial prototype?

: Allow me to introduce the harbinger of the Kingdom Army's destruction. It exists in perfect disharmony with Ultragunner. It is the darkness that swallows the light. It is the Zulwarn. The Shadow ATAC!

: I vaguely recall hearing stories of Zulwarn, but I don't remember any of the details!
Bastion demands immediate exposition!

: That's because they were so horrid, no sane person dared whisper them!

: According to every legend I have heard, Zulwarn was defeated and destroyed by Ultragunner...But the legends were apparently incorrect.

: Indeed they were, Alden. Zulwarn merely changed its form and was led into hiding. The time has come to return from exile and establish its superiority!

: There is another legend of Zulwarn, Bastion. Rather than drawing power from a gem, it is said to be powered by...human blood.
Does....does that count as a biofuel?

: What?!

: Dear God!!

: It can't be true!!

: Thus, if Faulkner has revived the Zulwarn ATAC, he must have...

: Indeed. But what is the value of a legion of living peasants? In death they are more valuable to me! I do regret the fact that I now have fewer subjects to dominate, but I shall find the strength to carry on.

: You are a heartless demon, Faulkner! An abomination! A monster!!

: Sticks and stones may break my bones, dear boy, but my Zulwarn will certainly harm you. Observe.

: What was that?!

: Something is awry, Bastion! Faulkner has sabotaged our ATACs!

: Zeira is right! My ATAC readouts are malfunctioning!

: Mine, too! What has Faulkner done?!

: Whatever he's done, I don't like it!!

: I should have known you would never engage us in a fair fight!

: There is no such word as 'fair' in war, boy. There are but two words of consequence: win...and lose.
Thematic callback to the first conversation of the game between Bastion and Kamorge, or just an unfortunate coincidence? I'm not sure, to be honest.

: I'm surprised that the Ultragunner was not affected by the pulse wave. Or was it?

: He's right. My controls are sluggish!
No, they aren't, for reasons that will become clear in a bit.

: As I expected. The Ultragunner is an antiquated ATAC, unable to match the infinite power of Zulwarn. My soldiers should have more than enough power to annihilate you all. The only question is how long you will be able to survive before you succumb to Zulwarn's power. Attack!
The Zulwarn. It's even stronger than it looks, thanks to a number of truly broken attacks. For this mission, however, it will leave us alone. And, no, we can't attack it.
Okay, so Zulwarn's pulse wave has made it so that everyone but Bastion starts with 50 AP on their turn instead of 100. Bastion is, in fact, unaffected, which seems completely at odds with what we just heard, but, hell, I'll take what I can get. Anyway, as you might imagine, this means that your units can't move as far and will, as a practical matter, be unable to move and attack on the same turn. After a few turns, Faulkner decides to taunt us some more.

: You and your friends are more determined than I expected, boy...But the effects of Zulwarn's pulse shall take their inevitable toll. You will perish...mark my words.
The first wave isn't much of a struggle, even with half-AP. Still, I'm not eager to take on those Sharkings...
So I'm going to take out their buddies first. Here's the thing, none of the units closest to the fort will ever move unless you get in their attack range. I could literally park, say, Andrew and Zeira stand just inside Turbulence range and have them chip away at these two enemies until they're dead, and they still wouldn't move.
So I did.
Now, that's not going to fly with the Sharkings, who can and will launch Cutting Wheels if you just sit there. I think it's possible to wait just outside of Turbulence range, move in, use Turbulence, and then move out again, thus preventing them from counter-attacking....but, Christ, that would take forever, and if I can't trust my entire army to be able to take out two Sharkings without multiple casualties... then I am beyond fucked next mission.
That said, there's no need to be reckless. Sharkings won't use Cutting Wheel if there's an enemy right next to them, so put two fairly strong ATACs up there to absorb attacks. I chose Bastion and Alden, but Nana and maybe Zeira are also capable of taking a few hits.
I might as well kill the last Sharking with some style.

: Most impressive, Bastion. Your will to live is remarkably strong.

: As is my need for revenge, Faulkner! Come down from your pedestal before I have to knock you off!

: Such impatience, Prince Bastion! Your immaturity is laid base by your impetuous demands! As I already told you, Ultragunner is no match for Zulwarn. Defeating you would be far too easy.

: Then why not come down here and prove it?!

: I am a kind man, Bastion. So kind that I shall allow you to live until you reach the Imperial capital. I expect you to develop your skills and strength before then. I want a satisfying victory, not an easy one. Do not disappoint me, Bastion. I so hate disappointment...

: Damn you, Faulker [sic]! I have to admit that I'm exhausted. Those Sharking ATACs are strong. Almost TOO strong. Why don't we rest a while before proceeding to the capital? We should rethink our strategy...And we could all use the rest.
Next Time: Words! The Final Status Update!