Part 37: Chapter #20: Light and Darkness, Good Kingdom Ending
Chapter 20: Darkness and Light. Good Ending!

: We're fine, Prince Bastion, but you're very kind to be so concerned. All I feel is shame at being manipulated...And gratitude to you for saving my life. I am forever in your debt.

: Not at all, Logan. Just be grateful I didn't use the opportunity to give you the beating you so richly deserve!

: Wah, ha, ha! Grateful I am, Bastion, very grateful indeed! But my debt to you remains, and I shall repay it, whether it is money or loyalty that you desire!

: I have no need of wealth, Logan, and I would certainly hope your loyalty has already been earned!

: Oh, and it has, Bastion! Perhaps you would care for the hand of my daughter! No amount of money could purchase such beauty!
I'm reasonably sure what Logan is suggesting is grounds for summary execution.

: DADDY! Like, WHAT are you saying?! I don't even know him!

: That's right, Duke Logan! Have you no concern for your hellspawn', your daughter's feelings?! I thought you wanted to repay a debt, not dispose of a burden!

: Princess Sadira! I've never seen you in such a state of excitement before!

: Oh, I have, Daddy. She's just jealous of me like always!

: Jealous?! Of YOU?! It's obvious that Zulwarn's spell has scrambled all three of your brain cells, Claire!

: Your words might, like, hurt me if I cared what you think of me, Sadira!

: Just because ONE boy chooses you over me at the military academy, you think you're a supermodel?!
Behold the nightmare of the Empire Branch, its horror such that it cannot even be constrained to its own missions, but doth bleed into all other branches. And know ye this: Its time draws near....

: Aren't the two of you forgetting about Bastion's feelings?!

: Uh...

: Huh?

: D'ohh!
I should have let Faulkner kill you all.

: And who are you?

: I am Milea! Bastion and I grew up together under Alugard's care! I am grateful to you for rescuing me from Faulkner, but this and that are completely different matters!

: Don't get your panties in a bunch, Sadira. I wouldn't let Daddy marry me off, anyway!

: Hmmph!

: Hmmph!!

: Now, ladies! Let's remember that Bastion isn't the only devastating handsome man around here! If there's anyone who can handle all the love in this room, it's me.

: Like, have you always been this creepy, old man, or did you have to practice?

: I prefer to describe myself as rugged, thank you very much! (Maybe I'll look a little younger if I shave off the sideburns.)

: Well, Bastion, I'm afraid I have to withdraw the offer of my daughter...But I cannot leave without repaying my debt. So here is what I shall do.

: Really, Logan, you don't owe my any...

: I pledge an eternal alliance between Nordilain and the Kingdom, starting on this glorious day.

: Thank you, Logan.

: But only under the condition that you spar with me once a season!
Here's my counter-offer, sign the damn treaty and I won't burn your entire country to the ground.

: You would never turn down such a humble request, would you, Bastion? Wah, ha, ha!

: Uh...

: It seems like an undeniably great deal, Bastion! Logan gets to fight without actually slaying anyone...And, I believe you will benefit from the heaping spoonfuls of humility he'll feed you quarterly!

: That's assuming I lose! Alright, Duke Logan, I look forward to our sparring matches...Although I'm sure certain portions of my anatomy won't be so enthusiastic.

: You are a brave and foolish man, Bastion, which makes you a perfect sparring partner! Wah, ha, ha! It will be my pleasure to bash your ATAC into scrap on a regular basis! Take care, Prince Bastion. Come along, Claire. We have a long trip back home!

: Okay, Daddy.

: Shouldn't you be leaving?!

: See you later, hunk-boy!

: You're very...popular, Prince Bastion.
Oh, yeah, I had forgotten that it's time to formally dissolve the Empire and imprison all of its former leaders in a prison camp.

: Sometimes, Duyere, I think it's a curse instead of a blessing.

: In any case, I owe you my thanks. You saved the Empire from falling under Faulkner's control.

: Duyere...

: I was a fool, Sadira. I should have known what Faulkner was plotting, and I let him use me instead. If I had realized what was going on, perhaps I could have stopped him. All this could have been prevented.

: Don't blame yourself for this, Duyere.

: You have acknowledged your errors, Prince Duyere, and that is the first step to correcting them in the future.
The next step will be reparations of 132 Billion Marks!

: Learn from your mistakes and you may yet become a great leader.

: I want nothing more, Marquis. I want to be a leader that the people are proud to have. I will work myself into exhaustion to rebuild the Imperial capital, and to restore the honor of the Empire. I wish to restore MY honor, as well.

: I'm sure you will, Duyere. I can see the drive to succeed in your eyes.

: I am hereby declaring an end to the war between the Junaris Empire and the Pharastia Kingdom. Let us live in peace, Prince Bastion. Let us bring our nations together.

: Indeed, Duyere. This is the dawn of a wonderful era in the history of the Continent.

: Take care of yourself, Bastion. I will speak to you soon.

: Bastion, there is no way for me to adequately express my thanks to you. You have done so much for me.

: No, Sadira. We have done much for each other. That is what friends do, and you are a great friend to me.

: May I...ask yet another favor of you, Bastion?

: Of course, Sadira. What is it?

: Would it be alright if I came to the Kingdom and visited from time to time?
I'm afraid that would be a violation of Article 113 of the peace treaty: Prohibitions of things that are stunningly annoying.

: Of course, Sadira. I would be hurt if you didn't!

: Wonderful, Bastion! Take care, and I'll see you soon! You, the friend of Bastion. What's your name again?

: I am Milea.

: I won't be beaten, Milea!

: Please don't be offended by her tone. She just says what's on her mind! Thank you for saving my life, Prince Bastion. I'm certain we will see each other soon! Goodbye!

: Me, too. I'm glad it's finally over!
Oh, it's not over, yet, Bastion! Not by a fucking long-shot. Next Time: The Empire Branch!