Part 39: Chapter #4: Faulkner's Trap, Part 1
Chapter #4: Faulkner's TrapBriefing


Yes, Bastion, the day Faulkner murdered your father was the most important day of your life, but, for Faulkner, it was Tuesday...

Yeah, apparently Faulkner had six spare ATACs that he didn't feel like using last mission, and somehow had time to set a trap in case Bastion chose to follow him. I call shenanigans on this set-up!

Well, it's six-on-one, and there are no reinforcements to bail Bastion out. As you might guess, you aren't supposed to win this fight. But, this thread being what it is, I'll catch hell if I don't kill every single one of these fuckers. So, for the sake of peace in this LP, they all must die!

That's one.

There's two, and I don't like the position Bastion is in, so it's time for a break-out.

That's three and four, but I still want a more defensible position where only one enemy can get at me at a time. There happens to be such a spot on the bottom-left corner of the map.

Bastion levels up three times over the course of this mission. I pump his AGI stat, which makes the fight progressively easier.

That's five.

And that's six. It took me an hour to get this fight done right. I truly hate you all, although I'll hate you even more in a couple of missions when I have to do this again.

Faulkner is level 12, which isn't particularly scary, since Bastion's now at level 11. Let's do this thing!

Ah, but the game really would prefer that you didn't kill the main villain this early in the game, so it simply will not let it happen, after Faulkner's first attack, whether successful or not, this will happen...

Oh, good. The Fun Police are here...

Next Time: Even more improbable plot developments! Crushing Disappointment! The unlikeliest ninja that ever was!