Part 42: Chapter #5: Cave of Cretins
Empire Chapter #5: Cave of Cretins

: If these soldiers were trained by Faulkner, I doubt we'll have anything to worry about.

: Don't be so arrogant, Bastion! Regardless of his personal faults, Faulkner is a brilliant tactician. Begin the attack!

: Cecilia's tea is delicious, Bastion! Why don't you have a cup and taste it for yourself?

: Didn't you love the look on Sadira's face when you found out how small our group is?

: Have a bad hip, I do. Depending on your for deep-muscle massages, I am! Heh, heh, heh!
Hate this character, I do. Brains my blow out, I want to!

: What will you have, Bastion? Coffee, tea, or me? Ha-ha!

: What?!

: We're under attack!
Well, I'm sure a good massacre will put things in order...

: Look, Franco! An Imperial officer!

: Uh-oh.

: We've heard of peons turning against the Imperial Army, but never officers!

: You are in the presence of Princess Sadira, officer! You shall explain your presence here at once!

: I...I had heard news that a group of rebels was gathered here, so I came here to negotiate with them. Unfortunately, talks broke down, and now I'm a prisoner of war.

: Princess, he's telling a big, fat lie! He was playing cards with these soldiers not more than a few hours ago, and doing really badly, too!

: I was doing nothing more than gathering intelligence!! But no matter. If we surrendered to you, we would be killed for crimes of treason against the Empire. So we're going to kill YOU instead! Get them, men! NOW!
My God, choosing to fight us instead of submitting to being drawn and quartered as a monsters!

: It doesn't have to be this way!
Okay, well, as you should recall, last mission, Bastion killed six ATACs which were, on average, slightly stronger than this group of six ATACs...and I have five times as many units.
It turns into a slaughter quite quickly...

: Give up now and I might yet extend a pardon for you all!

: I would rather die on the battlefield today than spend a miserable lifetime in an Imperial dungeon!
You fool! You're confusing pardon with clemency! For your crimes of ignorance, I sentence thee to death. Sentence to be carried out...

: I do, sir! The dark blue ATAC is the Imperial Princess, and the two silver ATACs are her guardians!

: What?! This is--wonderful! Can you imagine the ransom that the Emperor would pay us in exchange for his precious daughter?! Attack!

: Four more rebels?! I'm starting to wonder if there are any soldiers left in the Imperial Army!
Well, I suppose there won't be for long.
I don't know if there are really any tactical tips to given for this level. I guess, don't intentionally get your ATACs destroyed? Maybe?

: We were lucky to survive this battle...
Only if you can literally die of boredom...

: What a disgrace! An enlisted soldier of the Imperial Army taking bribes and selling out his own country!
I have no idea why, but it feels like the translators kept using words they didn't know the real meaning of in the mission. Sadira earlier made a big deal about an Imperial Officer betraying the Empire, which means that, by definition, he wasn't enlisted. I guess it's nit-picking, but there's a pattern here...

: I can't believe our nation has fallen into such disarray. I can't imagine how our civilians are coping...

: Sadira, please don't be so sad.
Yeah! Think about it this way: Everyday, fewer and fewer citizens are living in fear of bandits.

: It can't be helped, Bastion. It drives me to tears when I witness the cold reality of this world. But enough of that. We should depart. This place is very close to the front lines...and I would rather not encounter anyone from the Imperial Army.

: Cecilia, may I ask you a question?

: Sure, Bastion!

: If you saw that Imperial soldier playing cards with those bandits, you knew he was still at the camp. So why didn't you mention it until he had already appeared? That was a crucial piece of information.

: Did I forget to mention he was there? Sorry about that! I can be forgetful sometimes, because I'm always thinking about ten things at once!
Yeah, like piloting her ATAC, brewing more tea, calculating the perfect moment to stab them all in the back, and darning socks!

: I can imagine...but we were placed in danger because of what you forgot to tell us. That can't happen again.

: It won't, Bastion! I promise to work harder! And besides, we won, right?

: Yes, that's true but...

: Everything ends up okay in the end, Bastion! I've always believed that! That's why I'm always so happy!

: You're also very pretty when you smile like that.

: You're not the first boy to tell me that, Bastion, but you're the cutest! Ha-ha!

: (This has to be the most bizarre and intriguing girl I have ever met.)
Apparently nothing gets Bastion hot like incompetence/betrayal!

: Princess! My scanners indicate that a group of ATACs are laying waste to the nearby town!

: Are they more Imperial rogues?

: Unfortunately, I can't tell! We'll need to enter the town to find out!

: Come on, then! Let's go!
Next Time: More o' the same!