Part 43: Chapter #6: Harsh Reality
Chapter #6: Harsh Reality

: Why must the people of this world pay with their lives for the crimes of the corrupt?
I'm probably going to stop posting the overall morale screen, because certain...strategies would become more apparent than I would prefer.

: You look tired, Bastion. Would you like to rest and have tea with me?

: How foolish were those bandits to establish their base in a cave? I've never been that fond of guano!

: Strong, your hands must be, Bastion. Aching, my shoulder is. Kneading the tension away, you are!

: I'm not really a fan of tea. Give me my morning coffee and my morning buzz every time! Ha-ha!

: Bastion, I'm sorry...

: All my life, I was taught to believe that the Kingdom was good, and the Empire evil. But now I see the truth!
The only way to ensure perpetual peace is through the abolition of mankind?

: The people of the Continent are good, and the soldiers who wield force to rule over them are evil! But now the people have someone to fight for them! The bloodshed and the atrocities will END!
The only way to end problems caused by violence?
Mo' Violence!

: Who are you?! This is not your concern! Leave before we arrest you for interfering with the Kingdom Army!

: I am proud to interfere with the needless destruction of a town which poses no threat to the Kingdom! There is no justification for sending women and children to their graves!

: You don't know what the hell you're talking about! These people have aligned themselves with the Empire, and must be punished for their action!

: This village belonged to the Kingdom, and was CONQUERED by the Empire! These people chose nothing! But you have the choice to spare them further suffering, and you ignore it!

: You were warned, fool. Now you're under arrest! Shut down your ATAC or we destroy it!
A different Kingdom soldier with the same portrait.

: Commander! The blue ATAC at the village entrance belongs to Sadira, the Imperial Princess!

: Say again, grunt?

: These are Imperial troops, led by the Princess herself!!

: Why didn't you say so, grunt?! Attack!!!
On his first action, Bastion attacks the Kingdom leader...

: Are you saying it's a soldier's duty to destroy innocent lives?!

: It is my duty to punish anyone who would pledge loyalty to the enemies of the Kingdom!
Another easy fight. This time, however, the enemy at least has some troops that are nominally threatening. See those two green ATACs? Both of them have fire stones and Fireball, which can do some serious damage to Cecilia and her cardboard ATAC.
Fortunately for me, Cecilia finally has Turbulence, meaning she'll never get within four squares of an enemy again until I can upgrade her ATAC.
Meanwhile, Franco and Halak tie up a few Glaives. There will come a time when the Korbelan is capable of no more than rearline support and casting Turbulence....but not today.
Oh, and Sadira gets her most powerful attack, Spiral Dive, three missions into the Empire branch. Here's an interesting bit about Vanguard Bandits; in most RPGs and sRPGs, there'd be some sort of MP meter or something that would make such an attack impractical this early in the game. Here though, from beginning to end, from the worst unit to the best, everyone has 100 AP and a 100 FP limit. So, essentially, I've now brought a gun to knife fight.
Boom. Also, every time you kill one of the original Glaives on this map, a replacement comes on to replace them. I appreciate the extra XP.
Cecilia gets force-fed a kill so that my head hurts a little less next mission, and that's about it.

: Why did I have to see this? Why didn't Father tell me that this was the way of the world?
I don't know, I guess it's kind of hard to talk when you're being disemboweled.
Later, at the Bridge of Inconclusive Whining, last seen in the Kingdom Branch mission where Zeira's country rebelled against him...

: It sickens me in the same way as when I witnessed my father fall to Faulkner. When I learn of such treachery, I long to join him in death to escape the horrors of this reality.
Well, you are on a bridge, so....

: Please don't say such awful things, Bastion! You frighten me when you talk like that!

: Bastion, you have to stay strong! You have to remember why we're here! Not to see all these awful things...but to stop them! And that's exactly what we just did! Isn't it wonderful?

: WAS wonderful. We saved dozens of lives. We have hope to these people. I want to give hope to everyone on the Continent, and I want to learn more about this world. I need to discover more truths, as I did today, and I need to discover the truth about my father. Why were we always running from the Empire? Why did he side with the Kingdom? I have to find out.

: I know you will, Bastion! And I'll help you however I can!

: Thank you, Cecilia. Thank you for making me realize that I have to think about the future as well as the past. 'Every moment you spend looking back is a moment you could have spent looking forward.' Father told me that proverb once.

: You really loved him, didn't you?

: I love him still. I shall love him always.
Yeah, he was always like, "Bastion, you must raise your BAS and POW to gain the Strong Slash!" and "Raise your POW and DEX to learn the tackle. It will come to you in time." The love shone through!

: Excuse me, Your Highness, but may I ask why you're staring so strangely at Cecilia and Bastion?

: I'm NOT staring! What makes you think I'm staring?!

: was nothing, Highness!

: Mmmmm. It was more than nothing, my tactful compatriot. She is feeling emotions she did not know.

: What in the world are you talking about, old woman?! Besides, I don't think Bastion is that cute! I've seen far cuter boys--I just can't remember their names! Now stop laughing at me and get into your ATACs! We're returning to the Imperial capital!

: Did I just miss something?
The Zak Attack is back!

: That castle is well inside the bounds of the Kingdom, so it will be heavily defended. Has Zakov assembled a large enough force to mount such an assault?

: Not yet, which is why he requested that you send along any ATACs you can spare.

: The first time Zakov has bothered to communicate with me in months, and it's because he needs a favor. I've never liked that man. I find his attitude even more annoying than his accent!

: Princess, I'd like to join Commander Zakov's assault squadron, if you'll allow me.

: Are you sure, Bastion? I thought you didn't want to engage in any warfare against the Kingdom.

: And I still don't, Princess. I plan to observe the battle, not join it.
It worked in South Vietnam, it can work at Araba!

: I want to learn whatever I can about the art of war, and this seems like an excellent opportunity to do so.

: Indeed, it should be. Then it's decided. Bastion and I will...

: Princess! Can I come with you, too? Pretty please? It'll be so much fun!

: Oh...ah...well...

: Princess? Are you okay? Your face is turning red!

: Alright, Cecilia! You can come along! Franco, inform Commander Zakov that Bastion, Cecilia, and myself will be joining him.

: Your memory grows feeble, does it not?

: I didn't forget anything...did I Halak?

: Duties have been neglected, yes. You must remain here to fulfill your responsibilities, Highness. Faulkner and your father will be suspicious if you leave, they will.

: Alright, already! Bastion and Cecilia, meet Zakov at Araba Castle. I shall stay here to care for my duties as Princess.

: I'm sorry you can't go, Sadira. Please work hard while we're gone! I'll give you a full report when we return. Take care.

: Goodbye, Princess! Thank you so much for letting me go!
And that should about wrap things-

: Your feelings lie near the surface, Highness. Hide them you must.

: Thank you for informing me of that, Halak! Perhaps I can have my heart removed someday, as you did!

: Princess, it's obvious to us all. Perhaps you should tell Bastion of your feelings for him...

: Franco! Sadira must learn to take command of her feelings and learn to lead from the head, not the heart.
Yeah, remember what Halak said, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering! I sense much fear in you, Sadira!

: I can't help it, Halak! I just want to make her happy! Is that so wrong!

: Stop talking about me like I'm not in the room! I am here, and I'm tired of this. Case closed!

: This is the first time I've ever been part of such a big battle group, too!

: Really?

: Yep! I'm usually involved in covert operations for the Princess!

: I would ask you to tell me about them, but then you would probably have to kill me. That was a joke, by the way. One of these days, I'll learn how to tell one properly.
You and me both, and me both...

: (I'm glad Faulkner isn't coming along on this mission. The sight of him would send me into a rage...)

: Oh, I get it, Bastion! That was funny! It looks like we're about to leave, Bastion! Are all your systems okay? Bastion? Bastion, can you hear me?!

: I'm sorry, Cecilia. Let's go...

: This is odd. I expected the Kingdom to have a strong defense in place...But we've managed to surround the castle without seeing a single guard!

: It's really quiet, isn't it? It's so quiet that it's weird!

: I don't like it. Not at all...
Next Time: Bastion's first mission for the Empire has....mixed results.