The Let's Play Archive

Vanguard Bandits

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 47: Chapter #9: Logan's Test, Part 1

There's a shop open after Chapter #8, but since everyone except Sadira has the same equipment, all you need to know if that everyone now has level three wind stones and Darkblades.

Empire Chapter #9: Logan's Test


: How would you know that, Cecilia? You haven't fought him in the past, have you?
: Of course not, Princess! I just know a lot about the ATACs of the Continent! Knowledge is part of my job!
: If you know anything else about our opponents, Cecilia, don't be afraid to tell us, alright?


: Don't be fooled by Duke Logan's kind demeanor, Bastion! He's a completely ruthless warrior!
: I'm worried about this confrontation with Duke Logan. We need his support very badly...
: Flaring up again, my hip is. Need to reduce the swelling with ice, I do...
: Bastion, remember that whatever we talk about always stays between us. It's our one else's.
Well, that's not ominous at all!


: Then begin!

Ah, the Nordilains. Big on power, low on just about everything else. That said, Logan is still Logan.

: WhatEVER! Did you totally forget my record in school duels was 729 wins and no losses?
: Nor did I forget how most of the boys secretly enjoyed letting you beat them up, Claire! But I'm going to enjoy beating YOU up!
Said beating later...
: This is, like, my worst fight EVER!

I'll see you in hell, Claire.

Anyway, Logan will hold back for a few turns at the beginning of the battle, which is a good opportunity to deal with the rest of his goons. The battle ends after Logan goes down, but once he starts in on your troops, killing him quickly is going to have be your priority, or else things can go south rather quickly.

: Ha, ha, ha! Your ego will make you that much easier to beat, my friend! Here, I'll show you!
: Why don't I show you how to lose gracefully instead?

The problem is that Logan hits like a train...a train full of explosives...that's on fire....and has spikes on the front. Anyway, I probably could have finished off the other Nordilains and just kept him occupied with Turbulences, but, well, the XP for the grunts isn't that high, and Logan is fast enough that he might still be able to kill Bastion given a chance...

: Victory is yours!

: I'll be damned! So it is!

Next Time: Bastion's figurative damnation turns all too real!