The Let's Play Archive

Victoria II: Heart of Darkness

by Patter Song

Part 21: Secret Denmark: Mexico Chapter III: To Jamaica (1836-1845)

Secret Denmark: Mexico Chapter III: To Jamaica (1836-1845)

OK, I just can't keep up Secret Denmark crazyverse voice. You're getting totally unadorned, straight update today. It's the only way I can pump out this update.

War started abroad, war continued at home. Sindh's clever tactics of spawncamping Mexican brigades as they appeared seemed to spell Mexico's doom.

Countries abroad continued their ruthless expansion.

I wonder if there's a local equivalent for "Pyrrhic victory" in the Indian cultural context.

Sweden underwent the pride before the fall as Ethiopia expanded northwards.

Johore continued to have a rough go of it.

Shockingly, the world finally agreed that the power that controlled the entirety of China was "great."

Bavaria consolidated, Cuba fell back.

Sindh missed the boat on stopping Mexico by spawncamping. Once the Mexican army went into action, Sindh's men didn't stand a chance.

Colonial war over, the Dutch decided to go after something closer to home.

Britain claimed African land while Moldavia expanded southwards towards the Cape.

Mostly useless tech except that it's a stepping stone to Medicine.

The Europeans continued on their inane and irrelevant domestic activities.

Spain claimed Brittany from Portugal, UK reclaimed the southeast, and Saxony attempted to claim Berlin.

Britain completed its conquest of Ireland.

The fall of Sweden is imminent. Ditto France.

All war, all the time.

Someone finally recognized the undisputed masters of India as a Great Power!

The Japanese are whole once more (except for Spanish Hokkaido, but who's counting?).

Mexico grows dramatically off of Sindh's folly. Sindh's part of the UP joins ours and is thus a state, but Rajputana is our first (but not last) colony.

Rajputana can become a state if it's 1% Mexican. Mexico contains exactly 0 Mexicans at present (which is, incidentially, why we also have elections with no voters and as a result have a permanently 100% Conservative Upper and Lower House), so Rajputana will never achieve statehood unless we get ahold of some Mexicans.

Mexico might be a GP, but it needs to boost its score if it doesn't want to lose its slot.

A free CB to invade Jamaica? Don't mind if I do.

Mexico went into war with pseudo-Caribbean and pseudo-Colombia. Its utter lack of a navy and inability to construct ships seems like a problem (due to the rest of the world buying up all the Clipper Convoy), but we'll figure something out eventually. Even if we have to stay at a state of phony war with Jamaica for a good seven years.

Our military prepared.

Britain reclaimed Picardy and hungrily eyed Paris.

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be Austria.

Austria did finish off Latvia, but faced invasion from Spain, Serbia, and the Netherlands.

While Serbia and Austria were distracted, the Ottoman Empire set out to pull itself together.

Victoria took the throne and Hanoverian Mongolia ended its Personal Union with the British.

Have you ever heard the theory that no one ever has actually read Hegel, but there's a massive conspiracy afoot where everyone pretends to have read Hegel at some point and no one can call anyone else on it because they don't have any idea what's in Hegel's work either?

The very un-Swiss-like dictatorship lasted all of a few months.

Austria lost Slavonia to Serbia, but gained land in Flanders from the Dutch, more than compensating.

The pan-Nationalists attempted to give the crown to Austria, but the Austrians wouldn't listen.

Russia's quest to push Spain out of Siberia is moving forward, but the Spanish had a different idea of what "handing the land east of Lake Baikal" meant.

Poland seized Danzig, leaving Sweden with just a tiny piece of land in the Baltic coast.

The British colonized unclaimed parts of the Americas, while the millions living in Finland rebelled.

RIP Java.

El Salvador lasted all of a few months before returning to the Mighty fold, but this indicates weakness and vulnerability in Mighty that we can exploit.

This isn't going to end well for Sweden.

Not well at all.

Austria used this as an opportunity to fuse its spherelings Bavaria and Wurttemburg into a bizarre united satellite. Between Austria's extensive holdings and its SGF puppet, Austria is a highly formidable power, though Spain and Poland are both serious rivals for it.

The Rajputs need education.

Clipper Design allows my Artisans to start building Clipper Convoy, which in turn allows them to fulfill my massive standing buy order for Clipper Convoy which the other nations of the world had been ignoring, which finally allows me to construct enough transports to do something about Jamaica.

There's nothing stopping the Ottomans now.

Doctrine of Lapse apparently still applies when the Indian minors aren't in India.

Mongolian Hanover became overconfident.

Europe was at war again. Yawn.

Medicine will dramatically increase our population and let us truly exploit the riches of India.

When it rains, it pours, eh, Poland?

This is foolish.

This is why.

Bohemia embraces limited government, Mexicans nod thoughtfully...

Our expedition force launches for glory.

The last easy colony in Africa, before the scramble, and it looks like a major dispute.

Give the British an inch and they'll take a mile, forming a hideous collection of territories that no one else wanted.

The Russians dramatically shifted the Polish border westwards, much to the Poles' consternation.

Portugal's English foothold finally ended as Cornwall returned to the UK.

France is pretty hideous nowadays, isn't it?

The inventions associated with this tech will dramatically increase our RGO output and make India's RGOs productive.

The second our forces showed up in not-Colombia Jamaica surrendered.

We have islands now!

How the mighty have fallen.

Isn't it a bit early to be death-spiraling, France?

The Ottomans are going to crush Serbia and end up a top-tier GP, aren't they?

Russia is bound and determined to get it right this time and get rid of Spain.

We're now a weighted universal suffrage democracy with no voters because we only allow Mexicans to vote and there are no Mexicans here. Yet. Next time, it's off to get us some Mexicans so that they can start voting!

The World, 1846