Part 100

The Finns take a crack at a Russian concentration near their lines, sending them fleeing backwards.

Further south, I make another mass attack on a part of the Russian line that sticks out.

The Trick here is to crack the Russian line, they have dug in around Ivanovo, but I am able to make some advances.

I mass tanks behind the lines, ready to push forwards as soon as the Russians give way.

9th Army reaches the front lines, I can't see the Russians lasting once my men are spread out enough that I can bring all my forces to bear at once.

I continue to strengthen the weak points along the line.

I also cut off those troops that breached my lines. Let see if this holds.

Down south, I wipe out another unit.

I then take out most of the remaining partisan units.

Two Russian offensives free up the supplies to the trapped troops.

Further north, there is another Russian offensive.

Okay, now this area is starting to get me really worried.

Although they do seem to have weakened their lines near Sizran.

The Russian losses jump to 50,000, but our own have increase a lot as well. This last push is going to cost us, I predict we will reach three million casualties before the war ends.

The Russian army creeps closer to five million once more, and our numbers begin to fall.

This is despite the rapid replacement rate.

Supplies drop a little, as more of our forces are burning them after weeks of quiet.

The Mud has returned, and I need to get the last VP's before my southern flank collapses.

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