Part 107

I cross the Volga and surround Yaroslav.

I do the same at Kostroma, deciding to take the sure route rather than risking it all on a frontal attack. Also, that is a major HQ trapped there. I also trap anotehr Russian force to the east.

I press on towards Gorky. The Red Army is dug in like ticks here, but I make some ground.

Saransk falls to my men, along with near fifty thousand Russians in this pocket.

I risk the L.A.H. To cross the Volga (again) they will most likely be encircled, but I should be able to rescue them.

I also pretty up the lines a bit.

The Russians make a few more attacks in the Battle of the Wilderness.

The retreating Red Army abandons Gorky.

They also abandon Kostroma, and Yaroslave is surrounded.

While the L.A.H. (I would name it properly, but I have to google the spelling every time, so you get the acronym.) is surrounded, I should rescue them with ease, and they hold the important river crossing.

The Russians take another 70,000 casualties, how much longer can they take this without breaking?

Their numbers are dropping it seems, so something is close to breaking.

The supply situation remains about the same.

I only need four VP's, and can take three cities next week. This is nearly over.

No last week line this time, as I forgot to save the map, but you can see how its going.

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