Part 108

I march into Kostroma. The Russians do not stop me.

I march in Gorky. The Russians do not stop me.

The men trapped in Yaroslavl, They cannot stop me.

This is enough for the Russians, I get an envoy from the remains of the Russian government, they will to surrender, the fight has gone out of their men.

The German army, ever victorious, have broken the back of the great Russian Bear.

A peace settlement is drawn up, the Russians surrendering all of their lands west of the Volga. All know that this is not the end of the war, for even if the Western Allies were not bombing German cities day and night, the Russian army withdraws, still five million men strong.

The Germans must keep most of their three million men in the area, for the Russians, being supplied weapons from America from routes the Germans cannot stop, still have the manpower to mount an attack. But for now, an uneasy peace settles over the eastern front.

The cost has been high, over a million Germans killed, and nearly two million Russians, with the fate of the five and quarter million Russians captured is doubtful, the Germans not willing to strengthen the Russian army by replacing any men who have survived the hellish conditions in the POW camps.

Click here for the full 1831x1375 image
The fate of millions of civillian Russians trapped behind the new border of the Reich is also grim.
I shall not dwell upon the fate of the world, I have done my job and vanquished the Bolshevik hordes. The fate of the rest of the world will be written on another day, in another theatre. That is the future, for now, I shall rest upon my victors laurels.
Here is a video showing the movement of the front lines across the whole war, this will give you a quick update of how the war was won.
Thanks for reading. I'm going to go have a couple of weeks off (IE, just WITP) before coming back with a new LP!