Part 26

There is little movement in the north, but just me reorganizing my lines to try and get some sanity into my lines.
As can also see, I've broken down a load of fort zones that I'm sure will not be needed.

Here I am forced to move a little more, some of my units in the south were threatened with encirclement, so I've pulled the whole line back ten Kilometres.

Its around Moscow I'm worried, there are some serious gaps forming here.

At least the rest of the line is looking pretty stable.

The enemy have pushed a good number of troops into our line near Voronezh, and have tanks in reserve, but I'm not to worried here yet.

Its the Romanians I'm worried about.

Oh well, time to take my licks once more.

Several Romanian Divisions shatter under Red Army attacks.

There is also some movement in the north.

As predicted, the reds hit us hard around Voronezh, and expand their foothold from one hex to four.

This could be a spot to watch.

Of course, we see many more attacks around Moscow.

Many more.

At least we don't have to worry about a breakout in Leningrad, this beating should have shown them that we are not going to let them just waltz out.

The Russians are rated at 51 attacks this week, from 45 last.

Our losses jump once more, from 80,000 last week to 122,000 this week. The Russian losses are roughly the same.

at 4.75 million, the Red army continues to swell, our forces continue to decrease as this, the harshest winter on record, bites.

So few men are heading to the front line to replace these losses.

Right, lets check the commander situation

Fuck you Hitler, that's a dick move right there. All three army group commanders and several army commander have been dismissed, just when I need them the most!
Wait? Halder takes command of AGC? Then who's running OKH?

Okay, that could be worse.

The only change I make is to AGC, Halder is not the man he once was, so Model gets his job.

Hmm, it looks static on this front, but its all going south slowly.

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