Part 30

As before, this part of the front stays quiet.

Around Kalalin, I am forced to withdraw in some places, and launch two attacks, sending the Russians fleeing back the southern one causes them some horrendous losses.

Around Voronezh, We have some Tank units ready to break through, and the enemy are threatening to make this my main headache.

We make a few moves the 1st Mountain Division push back some units, but maintain their ground.

We get hit hard around Voronezh once more. I'm really worried that we'll see a collapse here soon.

Look at all those attacks.

And near Kalalin, we also lose a lot of ground.

In some places, we really bloody their nose.

Another 63 battles, how long can the Russians keep this up?

Around Moscow, the Russians seem to be concentrating their attacks more.

Our losses have dropped once more.

That's almost even now.

They are so close to five million men, while we are below 2.5 million.

Its not that we're not sending men out there, its just their either being shot or freezing.

Hey! I've lost 5,000 tonnes of fuel in the pool.

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Oh god, look at that dent in my lines down south.
As promised, its now time to present a few plans to you.

Ahh, Lets start with the obvious one.

The plan, as the original German one, is to take the fuel to the south. I will commit three of the four Panzer armies (1st - 3rd) to the attack, and use them to spearhead deep into the enemy lines, running Parallel to the Volga I'll snip off a huge section of the Russian south and the valuable fuel there.
Pros The south is good tank country, and is even less defended than historically. I can easily pull two of the Panzer armies south, and the third can be freed up as soon as the weather improves.
Cons The extension of the lines. I am 210 kilometres from Stalingrad closer than my historical counterparts, but still a long way. even If I am able to clear the entire southern area I am still looking at stretching my lines.
This of course leaves me open to a Russian Operation Uranus.

This ones a risk.

Committing all available Panzer units, I would encircle Moscow, cutting off the hundreds of thousands of troops there.
Pros Pulling this off would effectively destroy the Red Army and capture their capital.
Cons To do this would mean smashing my way through the most heavily defended part of the Russian line which may not even be possible!

The simple one, conquer Leningrad.

Pros - Should be doable with only one Panzer Army, freeing up more men for the rest of the front, and will free up the Finns.
Cons This plan is of limited scope, and while achievable, should not be the main thrust of the year.

No major offensive, just multiple minor ones to crew up the Russians as much as possible.

Pros Minimal risk, no real extensions of the line, and should allow me to cause significant damage to the Russians.
Cons No chance of winning the war early this plan is saying that I will, from this point onwards, attempt to hold out for as long a possible.