Part 34

In the far north, the threat of encirclement forces me to pull units back. This is not what I wanted to do, but in this dammed weather, I don't want to risk losing any veteran units.

I make one attack near Moscow.

There is the normal rearrangement of our line to cover gaps and to prevent encirclement here as well. The 3rd Panzer Army also moves south a little more.

Around the south of Voronezh, I move the 2nd Panzer army into place to blunt any advance. I also straighten the lines a little more.

A couple of attacks near Rostov keep the Russians guessing here.

Checking in the Crimea, I notice that the Russain forces here seem week all of a sudden, and order an attack. I see the enemy retreat and advance here. If I can start advancing here, I will, anything to prepare for Fall Blau.

The attacks in the north continue, but are much lower in frequency than last week.

The Finns are attacked, but hold back the Russians easily.

The Romanians fall back a little more.

There is a General offensive around Moscow and Tula. We lose a few areas and hold in some others.

The south also sees some attacks, but nothing to threatening.

Russian losses are up a little, but ours remain about the same.

The Russians finally reach five million men under arms, but our forces are slowly recovering as well.

The resupplying is continuing to go well. But I've never wanted spring so bad in my life.

Oh, Thank you Hitler.

This then leads to me paying the cost to put Model back in charge, then spending 250 of my action points to replace most of the Panzer army commanders.

Hmmm, supplies.

When does the snow melt again?

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