Part 36

As normal, there is little movement in the north.

In the centre, I force the Germans to retreat.

I rearrange my forces a little around Moscow.

The 2nd Panzer army moves to block any further advances, while the 3rd moves south to take up positions for Fall Blau.

Here I have to reorganize my line some more. 6th Army is in something of a state, but they should be able to hold out fairly well now.

In the Crimea, I'm able to force the reds to retreat, but unable to advance after them.

At Kalinin, we see our first German unit rout.

We also lose more ground around Voronezh.

But the presence of fresh Panzer troops limits this to a small attack. I feel the threat here is over.

In the south, there are numerous attacks, and bar one Romanian unit shattering, we hold.

There are fewer attacks around Moscow.

In the north, a Cavalry Corps pushes forwards.

Look at those northern CV's, I could even push north in good time. There were only 56 battles this turn.

Losses seem to be evening up a little now.

Both sides see their numbers increase.

Our replacements continue to come in thick and fast.

I think Hitler is off his med's again.

Gudarian! Your fired! Halder! Your Fired! Gudarian! Your replacing Halder!

At least fuel and supplies are looking healthy.

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