Part 37

There is little movement in the north, and with these CV's, there is not likely to be much either. I drop some air supplies into the region, beginning to prepare for Fall Rot.

The advancing Russians are weak in some places, and I make a couple of attacks to keep my line intact.

South of Tula I'm forces to retreat to do the same thing, but I am able to pull some more of 2nd Panzer Armies troops off the line.

The lines not looking to bad though.

In the south, a few more attacks stop the Russian breakthroughs from becoming any more threatening. 1st Panzer army has been sitting in Stalino for the whole winter by the way.

In the Crimea, the advance continues, and we lock in the factories at Kerch - that will hurt the Russians a bit more.

The Russians hit us hard around Tula is this a last minute offensive?

The men around Kalinin continue to see their own share of the action.

Romanians in holding shocker.

The north remains quiet.

The eagle eyed among you may have noticed something different about some of the screenshots.

Thats right, the blizzard has broken. Fall Rot is a go.

Our losses have dropped once more, while the Russians continue to hold steady.

Our numbers jump.

Your reading this right, nearly 300,000 men were returned to the front lines this week.

Supplies are looking good still.

Its time to bring the pain, before this snow melts and we are bogged down in the mud again.

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