Part 38

I send out the recon planes for the first time in a good while, I need to get a good picture of the enemy in front of me why?

That's right, god dam Fall Rot is in effect.

And its off to a good start, I clear away a good number of Red Army units from the northern area, then the 6th Panzer Division makes it to the port of Svirtsa, and we cut off Leningrad from the rest of the Soviet Union.

We then cut off a whole load of Russian troops thats right, including an entire Cavalry Corps.

I then turn my eyes to Leningrad, it takes two attacks, but we force the Russians to retreat.

I can't get any men across the river, but I will, and lets look at what's in Leningrad.

Can the Russians afford to lose any more T34 factories?

The Centre around Moscow is quieter, but I still make a few attacks here.

Around Voronezh, The 2nd Panzer Army breaks the enemies advances in short order.

I need to find troops to fill this gap, its time to go down to 1 every 2 hexes.

Around Rostov, I move the 1st Panzer army towards their jump off positions. This is not the start of Fall Blau, but there is an offensive to keep the Russians off balance.

I take Kerch, along with all of its factories.

I'm also training in ten fresh Divisions, although five of them are Luftwaffe units, and not likely to be much more use than the Romanians.

The Russians are stunned by my spectacular offensive, and do nothing. I have also inserted a spy into Russian high command - who for now will go by the codename Stalin - tells me of a major Enemy force around Stalingrad.

He also tells me a lot about the Russians positions.

Leningrad is surrounded, as are the three units I cut off.

They have redeployed heavily in the south, and must know of 1st Panzer Armies positions. This is no large worry, these troops are fresh, and can be redeployed before Blau goes into effect.

Russian losses have been heavy.

Our numbers recover quickly.

This is because the once frostbitten flow back into the ranks.

Supplies have dropped, but we've been more mobile and on the attack once more.

I can almost taste Leningrad, it tastes like Victory.

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