Part 39

Fall Rot continues, which begins with the destroying of three Russian units. This takes me two attacks by three units.

We ake some advances, but the Russians are well dug in, so they are limited ones.

In the south, with the air of 9th Army, we trap two more Cavalry Corps, but I'm not sure if this will hold.

Then we take a crack at Leningrad.

Then we take the factories, thats even more of their T-34 production annihilated.

Russian losses in the north are fairly nice 92,000 men.

9th Army makes a serious number of attacks along the line, forcing many units to rout.

Around Tula, we even make a breakthrough, but have no tanks to exploit it.

Down south, I take the 2nd Panzer Army off the line, and move them south. I'm spread a bit thin here, but I'm not that worried, as I've taken the sting out of the Red Army offensive.

Using 17th Army, I send the Russians into a general retreat cutting off a tank brigade and nearly cutting off an infantry division. The loss of the Tank units is really going to hurt them now, as they have loss most of their ability to replace them.

We also drive towards Rostov, I consider committing the 1st Panzer Army, but I decide to hold them off until good weather.

There are some attacks on Sevastopol, mainly to grind down the defenders. They can't be shipping in that many supplies.

We are so close to breaking out of the Crimea as well, this will stretch the Russians thin.

The Russians keep their attacks to our allied units three Romanian units on the line are broken.

I put the Hungarians back on the line, after two months in the rear, only for them to flee in the first fight.

There is no attempt to break out the Russians we trapped, so now we have several thousand enemy troops that need eliminating.

We take out a good number of Russian troops this week, and have more trapped and awaiting capture and this is not the major offensive.

Our numbers are bouncing back nicely.

We get a hundred and forty thousand men back this week, while not as good as last week, its still a nice boost to our battered units.

I get more Panzers, and Hitler is playing with my command structure again.

The massed Panzer redeployment is burning some fuel supplies, but they are mostly in position now.

Here is the list of factories we destroyed this turn.

Isn't that pretty.

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Here is the land we lost over the winter blue is our current line.

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