Part 41

The attack on the last remaining city centre of Leningrad and its factories, is a success.

We then quickly clear out the remaining forces, the entire area is now mine.

Fall Rot is a complete success, the Finnish government must see we are winning this war now. Their troops are put to immediate use.

The attacks are a success, and we open up a new area the Russians need defend.

The rest of the line is quiet, but we begin to pull the Panzers off the line, they are not going to be needed now, the Russians are dug in to well and the terrain is to bad for any rapid movements.

I continue to clear out those trapped cavalry units.

9th Army is pretty played out, so makes no attacks this week.

4th Army smashes a hole in the enemy line, but cannot exploit it at least these breaches force the Russians to guess where our attack is.

The slow push forwards in the south continues, I want across the river, but I'm not willing to deploy my tanks here.

In the Crimea, the Red Army has plugged the advance rather well.

There is one attack near Moscow.

And the Romanians take hammering in the south.

We cleared Leningrad out just in time, the snow melts, and the mud arrives.

Another 80,000 Russian losses, but our own are higher this week.

The numbers on both sides are increasing now, as we can ship men in, but there is no chance of advancing for the next few weeks.

130,000 men are brought back to the units, and with the success of Fall Rot, the plans for Fall Blau are greeted with enthusiasm by the troops.

I would like more supplies however.

Now my map looks ugly again.

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