Part 42

The mud makes Attacks impossible on the front, I try and clear that block near the port in the north, but fail. Otherwise all my movements are to bring the 4th Panzer army off the line and into place where I can make use of the rail line.

People wanted the rail lines, so here is the north looking good here.

9th Army reorganizes. I ships units around in the command structure, I have the admin points.

2nd and 4th Armies are both mired in this hellish mud.

The rail lines here have been hit a bit, so as you can see (green circles with white lines) some of the front is cut off, this has been fixed now (Orange circles).

6th Army, is surprise, surprise, stuck in the mud.

17th Army.... Ahh, you know the score.

Thrilling turn this, eh?

The 2nd and 3rd Panzer armies are moved to AGS this costs me 100 Admin points, thankfully, both pass their leader rolls. I also reduce the support levels for the northern units, I want all my attachment ready for the south.

The railhead here is ready to support the offensive as well.

Take a guess.

This weather is wreaking my supply trucks.

The Russian numbers continue to creep up, including their tanks, but how many do they have in reserve?

Many more men trudge back to the front line.

A load of units are readied by our allies the Hungarians, and our Panzer units begin to upgrade to face the new kind of war.

Now the tanks are in position and not burning fuel, the reserves begin to go up.

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Even this is dull.