Part 43

There is one attack in the north.

More interesting is what is missing.

Yep, 4th Panzer Army has been loaded onto trains and sent south the roundabout way, as none of my north/south rail lines are finished yet. Bar that one cavalry unit that was to far from the rail lines.

The 9th Army has a very limited offensive on some weakened Russian units.

Around Tula the enemy have a salient where I had a gap in my lines but they will not be able to widen that breach, and I'll just pinch it off when the good weather arrives.

6th Army holds their point on the line.

Around Rostov, I now have a solid force in place, ready to hammer forwards as soon as this mud dries up.

In the Crimea, then Russians pull back their plug, allowing my men to move forwards, could they be short on troops?

The harsh Hungarian mud, and the fact I have used up all my rail cap, prevent these fresh troops from being moved forwards.

Nothing that I can see.

I'm not even going to show the losses screen this week. The Red Army has now reached five and a half million men, while our own numbers hover below three million. Of course, the Russians have already lost over five million men. And this is before Fall Blau goes into effect.

The replacements continue on strongly.

The Fuel pool drops a little.

The map, she does not change much.

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