The Let's Play Archive

War in the East

by Grey Hunter

Part 46

Here I finally clear that annoying bit in my line.

There are a few other attacks, but nothing that will change the shape of the line in any major way – I don't have the movement to even advance into them.

No movement along the 9th Armies sections.

4th army does advance, sending a number of Red Army units into retreat.

9th Army holds, I'm trying to let my men build up a little strength before I need them to advance rapidly.

There is some movement on the 17th Army front, but nothing major.

In the Crimea, we continue the breakout.

I still can't take a crack at Sevastopol though.

Nothing in this mud. But then the ground begins to harden.

The losses continue to mount along the line, attrition is a bitch.

Our forces are now above 3 million men.

With the good weather, we've been able to move a good number of supplies and men towards the front lines.

The supply pools look at lot more healthy now.

This good weather will not last long, but the aim of the next week is to encircle as many enemy units as possible.

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