Part 60

The first move I make is a strike deep into Russian territory in the north and towards their airfields.

This nets me 22 bombers and some supplies, and I flood a number of Finnish units into the area.

18th Army makes it own small offensive.

But up here, there is only one section of the line I'm really interested in. and its the bulge I've made above Torzhok.

Torzhok, a major city, falls, and I'm trying to make the Russians fall back or be encircled. I don't have the armour to exploit this, but it can at least be a worry for the Ruskies.

I break my original plan, and begin to move the 9th Army north this will allow me more troops to exploit my new breach.

The other two Armies don't do much beyond locking thousands of Russians in place.

6th Army is still, they have cleared their side of the river, and lack the strength to move across.

In the south I liquidate the pockets.

I then advance as best I can, but I am starting to reach mountains. Although I see the word Battleship and get a warm feeling.

The newly arrived 24th Panzer Division strikes towards Grozny, taking more oil for the greater Reich. I also encircle two more divisions and threaten a load more.

I get more troops to the banks of, and across the Volga, then clear out another enemy hardpoint.

I then march into Stalingrad unopposed, and the T-34 factory is destroyed as quickly as I can.

North of the City, I break through, but cannot exploit the breach as much as I would like.

We strike west, trying to cut off a good number of Russian troops I also rearrange the units HQ changes, to account to the directions they have taken.

The Russians make no attacks this week, but the trade a trapped Infantry Corps for the 29th Motorized Division being trapped.

I need to rescue them, but this should not be to hard. The same goes for these guys.

In the north, I may be able to take Kalinin without a fight, and the Russians are beginning to counter by breach of their lines.

Only 75,000 Russian casualties this week, but we took out another T-34 Factory!

The Red Army continues to hover around the 5.5 Million mark.

We see the normal replacements flow forwards.

The fuel pool drops below 10,000 tonnes, but we are near our objectives for the year as far as territory goes.

This is looking good now. There is no rail link to the south for the Russians, and all who are in the region are stuck there.

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