Part 61

The Finns are stymed by a movement of heavy Russian forces into the area.

There is are a few things of note in the 18th Army section, just this successful attack.

I then get to work widening my breach in their lines, and I also cut the rail line at Sonkovo, this will make getting supplies north harder.

The southern side of the breach sees me getting close to Kalinin but not being able to take it. This is going to be a real problem for the Russians if they don't stop my advance.

Please! Draw men away from the south!

9th Army is quiet, bar advancing a bit in the Kaluga region where the Russians have retreated. I did not pressure them here, but they seem to be tightening up their lines.

2nd and 4th are Totally stationary.

In the south I begin by cutting off a number of enemy units a Infantry Corps, four Divisions and a brigade of Artillery.

I also get tanks across in two separate points on the river. I follow this by eliminating another infantry Corps, this one is well staffed.

I push my way north, trapping a Tank Corps and rescuing my own trapped unit.

In Stalingrad we party over the wreaked T-34 Factory, and trap another two divisions as I shift 1st Panzer Army northwards.

Further east, I abandon one of the bridgeheads over the river, but expand the other.

To the south I make sure to cut the last rail line to the south, now Baku is defiantly cut off.

I expand a little in the south around Grozney, but cannot expand much in the mountainous terrain.

I continue to advance on Tuapse, the port in the region, once on this side of the mountains I shall follow the rail line south.

Once again, the Russians only attack when they have overwhelming odds in their favour.

My grip on the Volga and the whole of southern Russia is held, just.

I also keep those units trapped, but lose the tank Corps. The Russians are rapidly losing their hold on the good terrain on the other side of the river.

My northern break is still going strong.

Another eighty thousand Russians dealt with there, as well as a hundred and sixty two tanks.

The Russian army is slowly being battered down towards five million men. Their casualties are high and continue to be so.

The replacements continue to go forwards.

Our fuel supplies are dropping quickly.

Ah well, at least we have sliced Russia into two very uneven pieces.

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