Part 62

The Finns start by eliminating a trapped brigade. They then shift eastwards, as they cannot fight any units near them.

The 18th Army creates another breach in the Russian line.

16th Army secures Kalinin, scattering the defenders.

they also continue their work to expand their breakthrough, but the Russians are slowly bringing in the forces to stop me.

This is the only action in the 9th Army sector.
And this is the only combat in the 4th Army section. I get happy every time I see AFV's destroyed.

6th Army get a Division across the river, and clear another unit to the north.

I then eliminate the pocket I formed last week, and this nets me a good 40,000 men.

I then push the best part of a Panzer army across the river.

I push north once more, and this time I take sure to trap that Tank Corps.

The last defenders of Stalingrad are eliminated.

The rest of the men in the region surge forwards.

We then trap another three enemy units.

I secure my hold on the rail line.

Moves are also made to further cut the line to the north.

The Russians pull back from Stalingrad.

They also realise that they are about to be cut off, and flee south as quickly as they can.

They also seem to have had a mass retreat along the Don.

They do seem to be massing along the Volga however, and the days are getting shorter now.....

The Russian casualties reach 122,000, nearly ten times our own.

This stops Russian manpower from recovering at all, but we cannot seem to reduce them further.

Another two hundred thousand men are sent to units,

Our fuel supplies continue to dwindle....

The rate of advance is slowing now, I may not take Baku at this rate.

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