Part 64

The Finns continue their creep in the north. Their getting a bit spread out however.

18th Army continues their break north.

As does 16th Army. I want to do as much damage up here as possible, to make any military operations in this area next year easier.

9th Army is still, there at to many well dug in Russians before them.

Its the same in the 2nd and 4th Army sectors.

6th Army moves forwards a bit, they force a large Russian concentration to retreat taking 5,000 casualties, and then hit an enemy airbase, destroying 100 planes.

I then eliminate the enemy pockets, and they cost the Russians another 50,000 casualties.

In fact, its a bad time for the Russian air force this week.

Once more, I miss out on a decent encirclement by a small amount, but with no rail line, the Russians will not get all of these troops out.

I do manage to get a good number of enemy troops trapped on the other side of the Volga.

The more eagle eyed of you will have noticed something.

Yep, I managed to capture the front command, with what I can only hope is a high ranked general.

I finally have a breakthrough in the south, it seems that Baku cannot supply all these units properly.
I also finally encircle some enemy units down here.

I'm also making progress over the mountains.

There are a number of Russian attacks.

North of Stalingrad, the 97th is sent back from their riverside holdings.

They also attack north of Moscow.

One of my pockets holds.

Somehow, The front HQ has escaped me however.

This is part of another massed retreat by the Ruskis. I can see another Corps that is going to get itself cut off and if I play by cards right, there are three Guards units I'm going to try and snag.

In the north, I wonder when the Red Army commanders will realize what I'm plotting here.

Russian losses are 111,000 men this week.

But we also hammered their air force once more. However, our own air losses were much higher than normal, for some reason.

They stay at 5.3 million men however, the Red Armies inexhaustible manpower is starting to show.

Our own replacements are still going in fast.

My fuel supplies (at least at the front) are dropping fast however.

The map continues to look nice however.

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