Part 67

I begin to eliminate the large pocket in the north.

The Russians have to many supplies to be wiped out in one weak however. Next week should see many more enemy casualties.

16th and 18th Armies continue to advance. I want to use the Rybinsk Reserv as part of my winter line.

The Russians are defiantly getting weaker, as I am able to advance along a wide area near Moscow.

I am also able to use the 4th Army to force some Russian forces back.

I then use them to sweep forward to Voronezh, but find that the Russians have left some heavily dug in forces to hold the area.

6th Army sweeps forwards, both they and 4th Army find many HQ units and airfields that have not been evacuated.

This allows us to advance forwards nicely.

There are more enemy pockets to clean up these Tank Corps really seem to be low on Tanks for some reason. Although I do nab 13,000 men in that infantry corps to the north east.

I push north in a number of areas, this will most likely cause another Russian mass retreat.

On the other side of the Volga I finish that pocket that I started last week, catching two Infantry Corps.

I also clean up some enemy soldiers captured last week.

In the far south, I continue to eliminate as many of the cut off Russian forces as possible.

Crossing these mountains takes some time, and plays havoc with our supplies.

Baku is now well within sight, and there does not seem to be many enemy units in the way.

Far to the east, the Russians hit one of our units.

They also strike near Voronezh, trapping one of our Panzer Divisions.

This is part of a more general offensive in the area.

They do pull back to the north of Stalingrad, they are hurting in manpower I would think they have lots of units, but most of them are really weak.

At least I should be able to save the 17th Panzer Division with not to much trouble.

This has been a great week for us, we take out 160,000 Russians and 368 Tanks.

They also lost a load of planes once more.

Of course, against their eleven thousand planes, that's not much of a dent. The Red Army is still not growing however, so I am doing my job right.

We get more men back to the units as normal.

The fuel supply seems to have stabilized at least.

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