Part 74

In the north I launch a number of attacks to keep the Russki's off guard.

Further south we send some more of them running.

This costs us 4,000 men, but the Russians 13,000.

Here I make a couple of attacks with 9th Army, to straighten the line.

4th Army makes a good number of attacks, and the Russian line cracks.

6th Army smashes the Red Army front line, and moves into range of Tambov.

They then move, along with 3rd Panzer Army, to trap five Tank Corps and an Infantry Corps, along with seven divisions and a brigade.

Were you planning on using them Mr Stalin?
Around Saratov, I punch north in two places, trapping another infantry Corps.

I also surround the 23rd and 33rd Army headquarters. There is also a rifle brigade.

There are a few more attacks over the Volga, but I'm not trying to move forwards here.

The Advance on Baku stalls as the Russians are dug in well.

There are a couple of attacks. These are between Tula and Moscow.

My nice bulge does not hold however.

Although it has cost us 17,000 men, we have caused 82,000 Casualties, and we have crossed the line of eight million Russian casualties.

Their numbers have held steady.

As do ours.

The fuel pool takes a dive, but we have massive stores flowing back to Germany.

The Russian territory shrinks some more.

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Oh yeah, and I lied about no turn today.