Part 76

Between the Beloe Lake and the Vozin Lake, two Russian units are routed.

Down near Kalinin, I force the Russians back ten kilometres along a eighty kilometre front.

9th Army makes a few attacks, and keeps the Russians entertained.

Down near Tula, there are a number of attacks, and the Russians only stop me from advancing rapidly with one well dug in infantry Corps.

This is blurring the lines of South now!
With the support of 6th Army, we do shatter another hole in the line and push north a bit more.

I take out the one Corps that I trapped last week and then trap another.

I then go Sod it and gamble big.

That's five Corps and thirteen Divisions trapped, and I may well hold one of them.

I then encircle another Mechanized Corps and a infantry brigade. Finally in this area, I smash forwards once more.

down at Baku, the Russians must have fallen back to fortify in the city.

I then wipe out that troublesome 15th Cav Corps.

The Russians make an attack to rescue their Mechanized Corps.

They also free up one of the pockets, but the other holds, with four Corps inside of it. The other pocket can be closed and held next turn.

in the far south, I gain a whole load of territory, I assume this is because I have cut them off from Baku.

But most of all, the snow gets worse.

The Blizzard is here, but look at the Russians strongest part of the line.

Only one of the CV's is in a range that could threaten me. I do wonder if the Red Army is spent.

Another 67,000 Russians are wiped out.

Both sides numbers stay roughly the same.

We replace so many people, but still our numbers do not improve.

I've also burned a load of fuel to make these gains.

But dam, don't they look impressive.

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