Part 80

The Finns are not moving much further forwards, the Russians here are more than a match for the northmen, who have no will to attack.

Further south, we grind ten kilometres deeper into the Russian line.

There is no movement for 9th Army, as even their normal weak targets are to strong to make it worthwhile. So I skip to using 2nd and 3rd Armies to smash back the Russians.

Once we break the line, we move forwards. I have moved 6th Army to the command of this Group, as they are working together, and its less strain on the logistics of Army Group South.

The Russians have something of a spar into my line, but I'm not worried about it, and surround a Guards Tank Corps.

Further along, we make a few more attacks.

I reach Baku, amd make a massed attack, the defenders give in quickly, and the city, and the supply point, is mine!

That's my Xmas present for 1942.

Once again, the Russians only attack where they have ten to one odds.

We add another eighty thousand Russians to their casualty lists, if anyone in Russia is still making such lists.

Of course, as always this does nothing to stall the Red Army.

Replacements are the same.

And there is little change in the supply levels.

At least there is a little movement on the map.

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