Part 84

The Finns advance forwards a little, but nothing groundbreaking.

I make one attack on the northern bulge. But the knackered men need a rest, and I'm going to give it to them.

I make one attack on the north flank with 9th Army units, once more picking off a weak unit.

4th and 2nd Armies push north, surrounded a number of units six Corps and four Divisions.

I then focus on getting units across the Oka. I want a crossed river before the mud arrives. I get the 23rd Panzer Division across, and two more Corps are surrounded.

Further east, I try and straighten my line. I need more troops here so I can pull the mechanized units off the line. These troops are stuck in the south. Most of the line east of that is quiet, but it seems like the Russians have pulled a hell of a lot of troops off the line on the far eastern front.

These men can only be going north to protect Moscow. Far to the south, we still cannot shift those blasted mountain troops.

At least we have a breakthrough on the other side of the mountains.

They manage to break out some of their units, but I should be able to pin them down next week. Two of the pockets are held however.

With the lull in fighting, Russian losses are low this week.

The rest allows our numbers improve a little, but so do the Russians.

The replacement rate jumps a little.

Supplies remain the same.

The Map is looking nicer and nicer.....

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