Part 87

The Russians maintain a hold on Cerepovets, but its starting to look a little precarious now.

I do take another small town, but its all victory points at the end of the day.

I decide against making the big push this week, but only to allow more forces to move into position. This does not stop me from making a number of preparatory attacks along the line, to break down enemy fortifications.

To the south, I make a minor offensive, moving men forwards and threatening some of their units.

On the southern part of the neck, I mass my Panzers and move some infantry up. This is the real reason for the pause, I want as many troops packed into this section of the line as possible.

The eastern line is still looking thin, but I'm doing my best here and holding.

Around Biak, there is just snow, so I can get my men out a bit quicker soon they shall reach the rail line!

I do some Partizan wack-a-mole, then see what the Russians can do.

They do nothing, It seems that the Red Army really is dieing a slow death.

Time to snap the neck I think.

Only 37,000 men taken out this week, but it should spike up from here.

The Russians pass 5.5 million active soldiers, so its time to move now before they get to strong.

Replacements for us are slow.

I have all the supplies I need.

Things are looking good, one more push, I only need 32 points to win, and I should get half of that for getting Moscow.


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