Part 88

Using the Finns, I rout on unit with 1300 losses, and trap two Corps and two Divisions.

Then I smash as big a hole as I can in the Russian front line on the north of the neck.

I then move forwards with two Panzer Armies.

The advance is not to deep, only thirty kilometres at its deepest, but is along a seventy kilometre front, and many of the Panzer units from the 1st Panzer Army doe not engage, they will take over once the 4th Panzer Army units are played out.

9th Army goes into action, smashing at the front line as well, trying to pin as many enemy units in place here as possible.

I push forwards around Kaluga, threatening many of the Russians troops.

I trap some more units in the great push forwards.

3rd Panzer Army then thrusts forwards.

They get to within sixty kilometres of the northern forces, and we have cut two of the three main rail lines.

Lets hope half the Russian army is not on that rail line this week!

I make general attacks along the line to tie up the Red Army units.

I clear some more Russians out of the south.

Getting the Romanians back into action is probably going to take longer than the war will last.

They make a couple of attack on the Eastern front.

The Russians have pulled most of their air force out of the Moscow region, but they still have most of their men in, and there seems little stopping me from closing the gap next week.

Russian losses are relatively low, as I am attacking and advancing, rather than forcing mass surrenders.

Actual numbers change very little as a result.

The resupply rate continues as before.

This sudden activity is counterbalanced by the huge supplies of fuel I have available to me.

Next week, I seal the trap.

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I hope.