Part 92

The Finns are not going to be much more use to me now.

I'm moving most of the report into here now, as its where most of the action is happening. I'm moving the 3rd Panzer Army east to keep the Russian line weak.

I the get to work on smashing the remains of the Red Army trapped in Moscow.

I make short work of the pocket south east of the city, but the men in the city seem dug in and ready.

I take the outskirts of the city, but even a massed attack of 42,000 men will not shift the defenders.

I then push more men into the east.

I crack the Russian line and push towards Saransk.

Most of the line is just fending off the occasional Red Army assault though.

I eliminate one of the last pockets, and find another around the city of Tibilsi.

A counter attack in the Saransk region pushes back some of my units.

They also hit me again on the eastern part of my line.

This will not stop the fall of Moscow however.

Russian losses jump another two hundred thousand. This makes over a million men trapped in the pocket so far, with another eighty thousand or so to go.

Their numbers are now down to 4.7 million.

Our replacement rate jumps a bit.

Supplies continue to look good.

As does the map.

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