Part 98

I make one attack with overwhelming odds.

I cut off a few more units in the south, the infantry division to the west shatters when I hit it.

I then eliminate another pocket.

The movement of troops continues, and I make a few more attacks. The Russians are still weak, and my men are getting back up to strength.

I try and level out my line a little.

I make an attack where ever I can along the line.

I also try and deal with the second breakthrough.

I rush fresh troops in to shore up the areas that are weakening under Russian pressure.

The town of Suzdal is now surrounded.

The weather is warming though, which can only be good for us.

And things are looking rather weak down south.

Russian losses increase this week.

Our replacements keep our units in fighting condition as always.

Supplies are dropping quickly, I need this mud to go.

Look! Down south the mud has gone, lets hope the rest goes away soon!

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