
It's 1943, Germany and her Italian Allies have been kicked off the continent of Africa, and now the Allies have turned their eyes towards the invasion of mainland Europe.
Fortress Europe.
This time, there will not be the bickering of a hundred Generals and multiple nations, this time, there is a unified command.
My Command.
It's time to kick Hitlers teeth in!
What is War in the West.
If you've not followed any of my games before, then this is a hex based, weekly turn game following WWII from the 3rd of June until the fall of Berlin in August 1945. I shall be playing as the Allies, as A, they have the better toys, and B, the AI has less chance to shit the bed on the defensive.
Wait, haven't I seen something like this before?
Yep, I am now running War in the West, War in the East and War In the Pacific. All a the same time.
I am fighting the entire war.
I am the God of Grognard LP's.
Thanks to all goons.
Before I start the LP proper. I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to the Gofundme that allowed me to buy this stupidly overpriced game.
This LP is for you.
Not that anyone else would read it.

Europe. July 1943.
It seems wrong not to start with a grand map, even though we will be focusing much more on theatres to begin with.
Please note that the took the time to model Spain, Sweden and Ireland, even though these area will never be fought over.

All Quiet On the Western front.
This is mainly as I still lack the units and equipment to properly invade France all of my Amphibious units are now down in Italy ready to hit the soft underbelly. Here there is little else I can do but order a whole load of airfields to expand their capacity for future operations.

Well, that and order my planes to start reducing the country to ruins. This is the automatic air screen. I can manually control all my squadrons in the game, but this screen is what I'm going to be using the most it seems to do an OK job, and I want to keep what's left of my sanity. I adjust my priorities so we are trying to hit most industries a bit.

And here is the plan for bombing Germany. Green is the RAF and purple is USAF.

Visually the air phase is pretty boring to watch

Here are the results.

You can get more detailed data for each hex. But very little way of gauging overall damage.

This is where most of the action is taking place. The invasion of Sicily is about to take place.

The air force is locked in to provide support.

They plaster the invasion site.

This is the plan for Operation Huskey. While its a good one taking several major ports in the flatter south of the island, I want to make a small but important change.

One division is tasked to land in the north they will arrive one week after the main force, as it takes a bit of time to re-plan the invasion, but, supported by paratroopers, this will cut off the main forces in the area and allow me to wipe them out with ease.

Everyone else boards ships and gets ready to hit the beaches. Good luck men!

Finally, I want to talk about plans for invading Italy I know my men have yet to land in Sicily, but I want the amphibious units back in Africa ASAP and planning for the next op. There are several possible landing zones, and I wanted to get peoples ideas on them.

The obvious, and easy choice, is to hit Messina and the surrounding areas a short hop, good supply lines, its an easy invasion.
That said, its not that ambitious, and means slogging all the way up Italy.

Further north is my current preferred zone. It would allow a quick cutting off of the enemy, but there would need to be landings further south to take out the ports. This is necessary to both supply my troops and cut off theirs.

The heel has some good landing sites, but is open to counter attack and a long way from my ports so supply would be hard.

Landing at Salerno and Naples gets us far up the country, but the ports are likely to be well defended.

The Fuck it, lets take Rome option nice beaches, plenty of tourist spots and of course, lots of Germans and good terrain for rapid panzer counter attacks.
So, what do you guys think?
Table of Contents
- Turn 2 - 10th July 1943
- Turn 3 - 17th July 1943
- Turn 4 - 24th July 1943
- Turn 5 - 31st July 1943
- Turn 6 - 7th August 1943
- Turn 7 - 14th August 1943
- Turn 8 - 21st August 1943
- Turn 9 - 28th August 1943
- Turn 10 - 4th September 1943
- Turn 11 & 12 - 4th September 1943
- Turn 13 & 14 - 25th September 1943
- Turn 15 - 9th October 1943
- Turn 16 - 16th October 1943
- Turn 17 - 23rd October 1943
- Turn 18 - 30th October 1943
- Turn 19 - 6th November 1943
- Turn 20 - 13th November 1943
- Turn 21 - 20th November 1943
- Turn 22 - 27th November 1943
- Turn 23 - 4th December 1943
- Turn 24 - 11th December 1943
- Turn 25 - 18th December 1943
- Turn 26 - 25th December 1943
- Turn 27 - 1st January 1944
- Turn 28 - 8th January 1944
- Turn 29 - 15th January 1944
- Turn 30 - 22nd January 1944
- Turn 31 - 22nd January 1944
- Turn 32 - 5th February 1944
- Turn 33 - 12th February 1944
- Turn 34 - 19th February 1944
- Turn 35 - 26th February 1944
- Turn 36 - 5th March 1944
- Turn 37 - 11th March 1944
- Turn 38 - 18th March 1944
- Turn 39 - 25th March 1944
- Turn 40 - 1st April 1944
- Turn 41 - 8th April 1944
- Turn 42 - 15th April 1944
- Turn 43 - 22nd April 1944
- Turn 44 - 29th April 1944
- Turn 45 - 6th May 1944
- Turn 46 - 13th May 1944
- Turn 47 - 20th May 1944
- Turn 48 - 27th May 1944
- Turn 49 - 3rd June 1944
- Turn 50 - 10th June 1944
- Turn 51 - 17th June 1944
- Turn 52 - 24th June 1944
- Turn 53 - 1th July 1944
- Turn 54 - 8th July 1944
- Turn 55 - 15th July 1944
- Turn 56 - 22nd July 1944
- Turn 57 - 29th July 1944
- Turn 58 - 5th August 1944
- Turn 59 - 12th August 1944
- Turn 60 - 19th August 1944
- Turn 61 - 26th August 1944
- Turn 62 - 2nd September 1944
- Turn 63 - 9th September 1944
- Turn 64 - 16th September 1944
- Turn 65 - 23rd September 1944
- Turn 66 - 30th September 1944
- Turn 67 - 7th October 1944
- Turn 68 - 14th October 1944
- Turn 69 - 21th October 1944
- Turn 70 - 28th October 1944
- Turn 71 - 4th November 1944
- Turn 72 - 11th November 1944
- Turn 73 - 18th November 1944
- Turn 74 - 25th November 1944
- Turn 75 - 2nd December 1944
- Turn 76 - 9th December 1944
- Turn 77 - 16th December 1944
- Turn 78 - 23rd December 1944
- Turn 79 - 30 December 1944
- Turn 80 - 6th January 1945
- Turn 81 - 13th January 1945
- Turn 82 - 20th January 1945
- Turn 83 - 27th January 1945
- Turn 84 - 3rd February 1945
- Turn 85 - 17th February 1945
- Turn 86 - 17th February 1945
- Turn 87 - 24th Febuary 1945
- Turn 88 - 3rd March 1945