The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 50: Turn 53 - 1th July 1944

Here they come again!

We keep picking off their tanks as they charge across the lines.

The Canadians really do a number on the incoming troops.

They can afford to lose a hundred tanks right?

Three more divisions surrender.

Make that four!

Yeah, run.

You know what's coming.

I'm only surrounding a brigade this time.

Hmm, Guess I'm not going that way. *Dark red means this is out of bounds for political reasons.

Time to push north then!

This is the real western front, so I'll report it as such. We move up to take the next two ports. Nice is to damaged to unload more than one division, so I order priority repairs.

The liberation run continues! They only have 18% fuel left however, and may have to wait for everyone else to catch them up soon!

Another good turn!