The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 52: Turn 55 - 15th July 1944

The SS slam into the breakout, forcing our men to retreat with heavy losses.

This may be our worst turn for losses.

The real question is how quickly can I get men over the Alps to attack.

Those seem like more useful targets.

Yeah, this is going to be painful.

This is my main line of advance now.

They keep bringing in reserves.

Advances can be made in the eastern part of the front.

The terrain is on their side here though.

I need to keep up SOME momentum here.

There is still movement, but it seems the headlong rout from Rome to the Alps is over. A lot of my tank units are now near 50% TOE, but resting to replenish them would cost time and allow the enemy to dig in in favourable terrain. The other option is to move all my tanks east into france and let the infantry clean up or hold here.

The ports continue to hold.

I need to clear these guys out!

The 1st Free French Division retake Lyon. I also take Grenoble as it seems the Mountain division there has pulled back.

A shortage of fuel slows the South Africans.

Up north we hit another weak spot in their line.

Stopford is also able to force a hole in their line. In neither case can anyone exploit it.

Losses remain heavy, but we continue to push forward.