Part 61: Turn 64 - 16th September 1944
No counter attacks form Germany.
My tanks keep on exploding.
I manage my strikes a bit more this week.
This front is pretty much closed down, all I do is pull four units off the line to send to the Western front.
Clean up begins again.
The enemy crumbles.
There is little they can do now but surrender.
The POW camps swell again.
I want to clean these out before moving north again.
The trick is to use the least number of units/attacks to move them into one hex.
All the encircled Germans are now captured.
Time to punch in hard.
I hope those extra 1,000 casualties were from the Luftwaffe units who surrendered and not the population the game told me was fleeing the city.
I'm across the Rhine in many places.
With more infantry freed up, I hope to be able to speed the push into Germany. Crossing the rivers is slow work, but once across, things should speed up.
After weeks of fighting and being hammered by my air forces, the Fallschirmjaeger finally surrender.
Work on reducing Amsterdam begins.
I eke out some advances.
I would like to state I am happily maintaining a 2:1 casualty rate.