The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 82: Turn 85 - 17th February 1945

There is more probing at my flank.

The French are forced to retreat down south, but are doing their job of pinning units in place.

I'm now ending the bombing of German cities, after this week, I shall be bombing their units in and around Berlin.

Time to continue work on the hook.

These guys hold – but look at the Luftwaffe casualties doing so!

Time to fill that gap.

I can't move into that gap, so I switch to the other side.

The Germans continue to hold ground.

My men begin to cross the river, and we push the weaker German formations back.

Another small force is forced to surrender.

To the south I make a nice little break through – lets hope they have to pull troops from Berlin.

The casualty rate is still impressive, well over 2:1.