Part 10: The Second War of Howling Sorrow
My apologies, I had a small anniversary to take care of yesterday, and that could have gone betterChapter 9: The Second War of Howling Sorrow

The humble fireball was the first spell that King Lich learned after the start of the war.
Unfortunately, that didnt change one horrible thing: Ruriks Men (sans Rurik), the most veteran company in the realm, was the first one lost in hostilities, a victim of combined mage attack.
The King locked himself in the library, ordering everyone to stay away, and promising to emerge only for war sorcery.

"Senior Prospectors have seen so much in their lifetime that for them nothing is impossible. Start a fire under tropical rain, find gold in the desert or win a battle against all odds? Piece of cake!"
(from "Chronicles of New Worlds" written by Master Vardies Teleran)
With the death of Ruriks Men, someone else had to step up and lift the spirits of the people (without the use of spirits). To that end, senior prospectors, most of them retired to tech in Prospector Guild, donned their prospector armor and gear, took their Doppelxbows, and went to war.
These were grim men who knew their chances of survival were low, but went non the less.

The enemy had been forced back to Baytown. Unfortunately, that enemy consisted of a core of mages, with mages on flanks and mage support at the back. One heroic company, making their camp in the nearby foothills, made daring attempts to strike at the enemy.

The enemy responded by a daring attempt to build a fort right under their noses. Peasants and craftsmen and masons worked day and night, hauling stones, cutting timber, making food, while a company of mages held Svart warriors in check.

Another company of mages was in great trouble.
Either by tradition or by rote, mages wore great long coats of fine (and heavy) fabrics, as well as other lavish and colorful luxury clothing. They likely felt the clothing apt recompense for all the hardship in mage academies.
Unfotunately, that clothing was less apt for dead marches, and the mages, driven into the swamps by an advance of Svarts that didnt seem to mind their spells, were bogged down and waiting for their deaths.

Death, however, was busy elsewhere. A field near regret had some curious glistening things scattered about. A monocle there, a prospecting helm there. A Doppelxbow cluched in the hands of a burnt corpse. A prospecting array near a brook, its cracked lenses half submerged in the dead water. Climbing hooks standing like a strange skeleton of a metallic beast.
Senior prospectors had done their part in holding the line and paid the price.

While King was cursing throwing lightning inside the library, loyal (and still alive) Svarts were pushing on Baytown. One company was nearing a fort that held one of the roads to the Gate of Fading.
A little more to the north, ser Hugue had separated mages from Baytown and was leading the siege, along with a few other companies of troops.

Mages, cut off from Baytown, had the strangest idea or at least that what advance scouts could say. They decided to bee line towards the Gate to Burnouts.
Much like the previous attempt at invasion, they forgot that Dauheimur was in their way

And the fight agaist Krells forces was taking its toll on the land. Constantly assaulted by spells that either aimed to weaken or strengthen (depends of who was casting) the Svart farces encamped there, the fabric of the plain itself twisted and turned into a poisonous, mana infused landscape.
The Honor Guard didnt seem to mind. Truth be said, enjoyed the fact that going to the loo at night was that much easier with the ambient lighting.

A crack of light pierced the relative darkness of the library.

As the light fell on King Lich, he started to hear a distant howling

"He is the last dusk. He is the reaper of dreams. He is the silent killer. He is the terror whose wings flap in the knight. He is the Dark Rider."
- From the "Servants of truth" by High Keeper Teyaran the Rigorous

There was a hill near Serne Vary, a hill engulfed in tents. There was a reason to this madness, and that reason was that the hill was no hill, but a barrow. A barrow, unlike a crypt, wasnt likely to raise its inhabitants to make more inhabitants for other crypts. A barrow was well protected from graverobbers and whelps that worshiped Krypta out of rebellious lark.
Therefore, barrows held magical secrets and treasures and there was some profit to be made from that.

Baytown wasnt in the best position. The mages had gone away to Krolm knows where (and mostly dead due to unhealthy proximity to Svart fortresses). The city was completely surrounded by Svarts from one side and a crazy knight from the other.
And whats worse, the reinforcements they were getting were plain human

Elspritsters reign of random spells continued. The last one resulted in a cloud of miasma that turned lands near Daurosian into a swamp. Rumors abounded about a fotress in the middle of it, guarded by gnolls and flying serpents and lizardmen, and of Warriors of Dauros fighting wyverns on the edges of the swamp.
The worshipers of Dauros remained silent on this matter. Then again, worshipers of Dauros remained eerily silent on many matters.

The situation near Baytown was changing from bad to worse for humans. Svarts, weakened by Krells magic, but nearly impervious due to magic of King Lich, made one last assault on the fortress and tore down the walls.
Some Guard smuggled pouches of raw magical earth to grow potent tabacco, while one who smuggled some of it in hopes of growing potent yams had his bag confiscated and his pay cut.

Nature might abhor vacuum, but it abhorred unclaimed land even more. Snow Maidens made camp near one of the cities. Unfortunately, their camp was within arrow shot from city walls

and Svarts were very angry wrathful even - at human-like creatures that were likely to shoot other Svarts.

Dauheimur, coordinating attacks with the garrison of Silver Silks, finally managed to kill the Spirit of Darkness. It fell to the ground that was already covered with corpses of mages, arrows pincushions all of them.

This was it. After gruelling hours of combat and death, and bloodshed, the walls of Baytown were a ruin, and the gates lay broken. They only needed to step in

And so they bowed their heads, and swore allegiance.
This had the fortunate effect of placing a fort within shooting distance of the gate to fading and a Warrior company cut off from ways to retreat.

There were a few stragglers that had to be hunted down in the hills

and one mage, who avoided the death at the hands of Svarts and Spirit of Darkness, who made an arduous treck over the dead plains of Howling Sorrows, who saw his best friend choke on his own blood as a Svart arrow pierced his neck that made stepped through the gates of Burnouts and was immediately roasted by a ball of fire that came from the tower in the distance.

The burn fetal form that used to be a mage could not comment on that.

The last of Snow Maidens fell to the axes of Graverobbers (the company bore many names, all of them had something to do with desecrating tombs), their finely made fur coats no match for Svart steel.

The war might have been winding down at this point, but there were other troubles still. For example, two turtles now blocked the entrance to Long Shores.

And another swamp miraculously appeared in the middle of Howling Sorrow.

And there it was, a fine silvery sword. Making silver swords wasnt easy (for one, you cant just hammer silver till you get a sword) and required great craftsmanship. And silver weapons were very potent, able to cut, easily, many of Ardanias (and Shards) fiercest creatures.

And so the messenger did. However, he kept the kick that sent him flying through the Gate secret.

Great news came from Gatehouse! Rune Witches Guild was established on the highest hill surrounding the city. There was little question as to why they chose this remote city.

Along with Rune Bedchambers (situated on a lower hill), a mana collector and a magic testing area, Gatehouse became home to Gatehouse Academy of Higher Rune and Magic Studies. There was enough mana to supply even the most ambitious of rune experiments and a zone expecialy built to contain the results of the more volatile ones.
Even if magic was not science, it was still possible to observe it scientifically. After all, spells were magical effects with reproducible results, no matter how little sense their source made. And Svarts were extremely interesting in reproducing all sorts of effects in the shape of runes.
Rune Witches were training diligently behind those tall walls on the hill and eventually the most ambitious ones would find their way into Kings employ.

But before that, a new magic tower a king of miniaturized copy of the one in Lichgrad was erected near the gate. Its purpose was to sling magical lighting and kill invading troops, a task it did wonderfully.

Another free city was established and this was the first one outside Burnouts. Svarts, Planestriders and regular humans who felt more in tune with the grim aspects of the world flooded there to share their pain and poetry, and to escape the punches of their peers.

On the other side of the spectrum, Plain of Blood was established in the Fields of Honor, surrounded by swamps and lands of death. Worshippers of Krolm gathered there, to commemorate the deeds of Svarts fallen in the fight against Krell and maybe punch some undead swamp monstrosities into pulp.

For now, a small and inexplicable invasion had to be turned back. A great opportunity for fresh recruits to bloody the axes.