Part 24: When Midgets Step Up, I Stomp Midget Asses (Part 2)

CUTSCENE: Reversal of Fortune ~ The Re-Re-Kidnapping of Princess Cisna

So, to quote EpicLloyd as the Macho Man

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Scar (Disc 2, Track 13)



Dont you fucking do this to me game. Dont you DARE rip the one good thing it has going for it (outside of Caesar, Yulie and Kara) away from me!

This whole fucking thread would like to claim otherwise, patchy.

Suck my balls you mono-eyed pointy-eared character murdering charisma vacuum.

You can barely see him in these screenshots, but if you watch the cutscene you can see Crispin Freeman in the background being all mysterious and Main Villain-y.

And of course, Shapur just walks away with Cisna, even more blatantly than Belcitane did.

How sad that Belcitane spends his last few moments on earth pondering Shapurs shitty metaphor.

Oh, well, I guess I can stop calling him Crispin Freeman now.

Also, I dont think hes in the mood to hear your counterargument, Belcy. I think that giant mortal energy knife to the chest wound is a pretty definitive statement on where he considers your position in the organization to be now.
IE: In the Deceased Characters section alongside Valtos, Dalam, and Floraaaaaaaaaaaine.

Also, give Lena my regards.


Take a shot.

Only in White Knight Chronicles will you hear a phrase like that uttered with such unceasing repetition.

So shit-for-brains runs after them futilely.

No one else bothers to run after him because they know what a lost cause it is already.

At this point, I have run the fuck out of things to scream at Leonard.

So instead..

I will simply let the great Gene Wilder sum up my feelings towards Leonard at this point in the game.

And I do quote

0 and 3.
0 and fucking 3.

You goddamn fucking tool.

Well, if nothing else weve doubled our number of usable Knights and have doubly found a reason to kick Leonard out of the active party for good.
So Ah

CUTSCENE: The Truth Emerges

With Leonards fuck up brushed under the rug, Team Caesar returns to Drisdall Mansion like conquering heroes.
See, I told you hed earn the right to use that swagger eventually.

The mood is quickly killed, however, but he arrival of the Drisdall butler.

Uh oh

He takes off running up the stairs to the Counts chamber.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Reflecting (Disc 1, Track 18)

By the way, isnt Little Caesar just so

Also, Pizza Pizza.

CUTSCENE: The Search for Medius

And once again by sheer happenstance of the in-game facial animation system, Orren looks absolutely exasperated that Leonard would try to ruin Caesar's chance at self-discovery with more shallow Cisna bullshit.

Youre just making shit up as you go along again, arent you, Maxwell?

Leonard pouts over it for a second.

Its funny because Cyrus is probably dead of heat exhaustion by now.

CUTSCENE: The Obsession Deepens
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Out-of-Reach Feelings (Disc 2, Track 8)

Yulie happens up on Leonard staring listlessly up at the night sky.

Take a blooming guess whats on his mind?

Because if something was on his mind completely, hed forget how to breath or something.

She can read him like a 1-page book.

I am going to go back one of these days and count up their total screentime together up til this point. If I crack 45 minutes, I will eat my shoes.

Yeah, keep digging, dipshit. Youll come out the other side eventually.

You can see the signals shes sending from Mars right now. And yet, Leonard, standing right beside her

You ignorant fucknozzle.

Because Im sure thats exactly what Yulie wants you to do right now: keep talking about the other woman.
Leonard is dumb.

Leonard is so dumb he thinks he needs to point out to Yulie that Cisna was also a child at the same time he was, otherwise shed assume he somehow encountered a grown-up Cisna back when he was seven.

Yeah, a decade of emotional trauma coupled with the weight of being the heir apparent to a Kingdom of a few million subjects tends to change a person.

Leonards blind obsession with Cisna is just getting creepier and creepier.

I have a long list of things I could use to describe you. Weird is so far down the list, its chilling with the penguins in Antarctica right now.

Oh shit, I think we just hit the moment in the story where Yulie gives on up Leonard as human being completely.

Yulie turns and walks away.

And turns back when she realises Leonard is still staring at the sky thinking about Cisna.

I feel so bad for Yulie right now. Not that she got friendzoned by Leonard so hard it dislocated her shoulder--she dodged a real bullet there--but that she even had feelings for Leonard in the first place for him to crush like that. It's such a fucking waste.
But don't worry though, Yulie ends up with a far better suitor than Leonard in the end: no one. And by that I mean a life of unfulfilled loneliness is a better end for a person than even three seconds with Leonard.

CUTSCENE: Do Right By Your Father
The next morning

Thats because hes just realised hes this games new hero.

He looks up proudly at his fathers statue.

And with a smile, he moves forward, hopeful of where the road will lead him next.

Yeah, they let her get kidnapped again, but I dont think they care about her anymore, honestly. All that mattered was we kept another Ark out of the Magis hands, and weve got a new Knight to use against them.
For once in a great long while, Leonard was finally off my radar. Everything was coming up Caesar

- 15.1 - Dragon Territory
- 15.2 - Confronting Belcitane (again)
- 15.i - Belctiane, Betataria & Betapente Gigas, Dragon Matriarch, and Sargatanas Boss Fights
- 15.3 - Upping the Stakes
- 15.4 - Mother of Dragons
- 15.5 - The Dragon Knight
- 15.ii - The Tasteful Version
- 15.iii - The Ruined Version
- 15.6 - Reversal of Fortune ~ The Re-Re-Kidnapping of Princess Cisna
- 15.iv - To Quote Gene Wilder...
- 15.v - In Summation...
- 15.7 - The Truth Emerges
- 15.8 - The Search for Medius
- 15.9 - The Obsession Deepens
- 15.10 - Do Right By Your Father