Part 38: The Agony Of Victory

CUTSCENE: A Narrow Escape
So with the plot over and done with, the Dogma Rift Palace begins to collapse.

A massive chunk of the mountain hits the ledge

And the Shahgna starts to fall into the chasm.

Maybe itll just crash into the ground and blow up and we wont even have to deal with the damn sequel.

Leave it to Leonard. He shows up in a 10,000 year-old historical and archaeological marvel, and within 20 minutes the place is collapsing into ruin.

And just to put the cherry on top, for whatever reason now the entire caldera of the Dogma Rift is collapsing in on itself.

The Shahgnas engines fire up at the last possible second after a near 90 degree vertical drop.

Are they going to make it?
Do you even care?

Alright, lets head home.

And you will know him by his works, the pale

CUTSCENE: The Ancient Heartbeat
CUTSCENE MUSIC: The Ancient Heartbeat ~ Monologue (Disc 2, Track 22)

Leonard is just struggling for breath at this point as Cisna watches him with mild disinterest.

Yulie turns away and sighs.
Goddammit, girl, give it up already. He is a human turd and not even Cisna has feelings for him deeper than strong, platonic friendship. He is not worth it.

And now we get a closing monologue by Cisna.


CUTSCENE: The Return of the Queen ~ Dénouement
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Balandor Revived (Disc 2, Track 23)
And so we return to the Kingdom of Blandor, I mean Balandor, yes, Balandor, once more

Everyones just going about their day as usual, because this is a kingdom populated by simply coded NPCs, they dont really have much free will, emotion or insight into things beyond their field of vision.

A hundred bucks for a SANDWHICH?! / Welcome to life under Sarvain, chump. Now pay up before I

Something grabs everyones attention.

So because they technically succeeded this time, Team Caesar gets to proudly walk in the front gate of the city this time with Princess Cisna in tow, as opposed to sneaking in the back gate like the last time they were here.

Ill say this about Cisna, shes rather good with children.

She cautiously approaches the throne, once her fathers and now hers.

And then its right down to business.

Now that Princess Cisna has dumped his ass back in Peasentville, and hes essentially on call for her now without ever getting anywhere near the palace any more, Leonard has finally started to notice Yulie once again.

Though she shrugs in utter disinterest.

Caesar and Eldore enjoy a few brews together in downtown Balandor before Caesar returns to Greede to start running things in his fathers stead, and Eldore returns to sleeping in a gutter because Cisna also wont let him anywhere near the palace grounds on account of his Old Man Smell.

A pair of pretty ladies walk by and catch Caesars eye, but theres more to it this time than him being a simple philandering playboy.
The girl in green kind of looks familiar, doesnt she?

Dont get your hopes up, its not Kara.

And so we bookend the first game with now-Queen Cisna looking over her Kingdom, thinking of all the cool weapons her armourers and scientists are hard at work cooking up with which shes going to use to crush Grazels pseudo-empire like an ant under a boot.

CUTSCENE: Watch Cyrus Start a Damn War
Goddammit, is this game NOT over yet?! You know, for a game where the ending comes as abrupt as this one does, its got one hell of long epilogue.

We catch up with Cyrus now apparently having finally made it to the Farian border, about to cross into the fabled Lost Forest of Faria.

This drunken fucker is going to start a goddamn war, just wait.

Im serious, the opening shot of game 2 is probably going to be the Farian capital on fire or something thanks to this jackass.

Are we done yet?

CUTSCENE: The Sun Rises Again on Yshrenian History

So anyway, meanwhile on Redhorn Isle, Grazel prepares to address the Magi faithful.

And of course, Shapur is ever at his heels like the sycophantic bitch he is.

The crowd roars as Grazel appears on the balcony.

Okay, Ill admit, the guys got a pretty impressive fortress If you havent seen the climax to Attack of the Clones.

Joining Shapur is a mysterious man in dark robes. See, it is a Star Wars rip-off, weve even got our own Darth Sidious now.

Grazels head if so far up his own ass that its kind of futile to try and argue with him at this point.

Somewhere out there, Scolar Visari is faceplaming at Grazels lame attempt at giving an impassioned, nation-inspiriting speech.
Here, Grazel, buddy, let the man show you how its done.

And now we get a slow pan up reveal on our mysterious robed figure.

Oh, hey Sarvain. What are you doing here?

You must have amazing eyesight then, to see that in the eyes of people so far below you and to see that through the tiny eye-hiding helmets you force your Stormtroopers to wear.

You say youre about peace, but I think you really mean the other thing.

Wait SARVAIN is Ledom?

And we get a super-fast zoom out shot with a clichéd rising ambient discordant tone / crash cut to black.

CUTSCENE: Ending Credits (White Knight Chronicles International Edition Only)
If we were playing the original game, the credits would start playing here set to this tune: (Shards of Time ~ Chronicle Love (Disc 2, Track 25)). I've included the ending credits for the first game above for posterity's sake. But since this is the enhanced remake of the first game on the White Knight Chronicles II disc, you merely get a title card that lets you know that game 2 is about to start before being thrust right into the action with nary a pause for breath.
Im not going to do that to you, however.
I am a merciful god

- EPI.1 - A Narrow Escape
- EPI.2 - The Ancient Heartbeat
- EPI.3 - The Return of the Queen ~ Dénouement
- EPI.4 - Watch Cyrus Start a Damn War
- EPI.5 - The Sun Rises Again on Yshrenian History ~ To Be Continued
- EPI.6 - White Knight Chronicles I Ending Credits

Shards of Time~Chronicle Love~ posted:
Lyrics: Akihiro Hino
Vocals: KAZCO
Original Japanese -
Nagareru kumo wo mitsumete
Sora ni utsuru kimi no kage wo
Oikake chihei no kanata kitto tadoritsukeru sa
"Itsuka aeruyo"
To tada hitotsu dake
Kaze ni nosete kimi ni tsutaetai
Toki no KAKERA hiroiatsume bokutachi wa aruiteiku
Mirai eto tsuzuku michi ni ashiato wo tsukete
Yagate atarashii jidai eto tsunagaru tobira wa hirakareru
Kimi ni tabidatsu yo
Hirameku kiri no mukou de
Shizuka ni nemuru kimi no kao
Ano koro waraiatteta futari omoidasu no sa
Dare ni mo iezuni zutto kakushiteta kono kotoba wo
Kimi ni tsutaetai
Toki no KAKERA hiroiatsume bokutachi wa aruiteiku
Kono mune no sukima umeru yasuragi wo motome
Yagate itsu ni kawaru kisetsu niwa
Hohoemi no hana de sakura no Chronicle Love Forever
Toki no KAKERA hiroiatsume bokutachi wa aruiteiku
Mirai eto tsuzuku michi ni ashiato wo tsukete
Yagate atarashii jidai eto tsunagaru tobira wa hirakareru
Kimi ni deau made
Furikaeri wa shinai sa
English Translation -
Gazing at the moving clouds
A vestige of your shadow in the sky
Continually chasing, I'll surely make it to the horizon
"We'll see each other someday"
These are the only words I wish to convey
Letting them ride on the wind
As gatherers of the fragments of time, we walk on
Leaving behind footprints on the path to the future
Soon, the door leading to a new era will open
And I will journey towards you
Beyond the sparkling mist
The face of your silent slumber
It reminds me of the time we used to laugh together
I wish to tell you
These unspoken words that I have kept hidden from everyone else
As gatherers of the fragments of time, we walk on
Thirsting for the peace buried within the gaps of our hearts
Soon the flower of smiles will bloom with the changing of seasons
The cherry blossom of "Chronicle Love Forever"
As gatherers of the fragments of time, we walk on
Leaving behind footprints on the path to the future
Soon, the door leading to a new era will open
Until I see you again
I will not look back