Part 7: Chapter 7
Okay, here we go. Oh, and Mehuyael, this may be the update in which you got stuck.***

Sort of a dark little forest, isn't it?

No sign of bad guys, though.

Oops, spoke too soon.

Well, he's more polite than Val Kilmer.

I'm not sure what these things are, but they like to float around for a while before they look constipated and cast the sucky fire spell.


A chest? But I only went about four screens away. This can't possibly have the key.

Well... okay.

One wasp-filled romp back to a handcuffed swordsman later...

I'll remember it when I pound you in the face for giving me a cheap little necklace when I saved your scruffy hide.

Vanishment. How do they even have handcuffs in this world, anyway?

Two steps south of Marty reveals yet another chest.

The... what?

Even though it boasts that attack power, it won't actually harm most creatures. It WILL, however, harm those pesky ghosts, wizards, and possibly even the trees from before. Even so, most enemies that can be harmed by this sword are best avoided in the first place, unless you need to regain your MP. In which case, slaying Devil Eye enemies will (VERY) rarely yield the rare MP-restorative drop. Sort of like the pellets you could grab in Mega Man that DO NOT appear at a rate of about once per hour of solid killing. I couldn't even get a screencap of one.

This looks like a nice place.

Wow, the healing animation makes everything look like it's covered in blood.

So... this 'lover' went and got the treasure, came back, and THEN disappeared? Or did she disappear after he came back? Ugh, headache...

Note that Willow never really tells Madmartigan his name. Marty literally pulls it out of the ether.

Has anyone in this world ever heard of a boat? Crossing water is generally what they're good at.

Supposed to be white, small,... (sic) sort of like a rabbit with antlers. I've never seen one. Probably just a legend.
This guy lives in a fantasy world populated by giant snake-men, floating killer skulls, and wandering disco zombies who turn people into pigs. But hey! The Nail Clan sounds like a real stretch, huh?!
Goddammit! Fine, I'll go look for that freaky little squirrel from earlier. But I don't expect it'll be easy to-

Oh. That works.

You mean he just gave it to me? Without a quest? Without any sort of hassle?! I... I think I'm going to cry.
Also pictured is Madmartigan's necklace. It does nothing. Seriously, it doesn't do anything.
Back to the inn to heal.

- Madmartigan? Oh yeah, the brave daikini warrior, right? He mumbled something about defeating Bavmorda and left.
No doubt what he mumbled went something like, "Gee, I think I'll go get toasted while that freaky little mutant is defeating Bavmorda."

Almost to the end of the update. Promise.

In other words...

...Fuck it, I'm going to get a level up around here with a training montage.

Try to be best
Cause you're only a man
And a man's gotta learn to take it

Try to believe
Though the going gets rough
That you gotta hang tough to make it

History repeats itself
Try and you'll succeed

Never doubt that you're the one
And you can have your dreams!

You're the best!
Nothin's gonna ever keep you down!
You're the Best!
Nothin's gonna ever keep you down!

You're the best! AROUND!

Nothin's ever gonna keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own!

Well, I guess one level is good enough for now.

Turtle crabs! We'll get to them later.

Underwater, where the dimensional rules of tree foliage go right out the window.

No enemies, but if you go here without the wakka seed you die in a matter of seconds. You know, the wakka seed that Madmartigan says a non-existing race of beasts somewhere in this world is carrying. How do people normally cross this thing?

Tune in next time for PLOT TWISTS!