Part 82: Locanda System, Epsilon Sector, Mission 2 (Gameplay)
20th August 2669, Locanda System, Epsilon SectorTCS Victory
The Victory attempts to intercept a Kilrathi destroyer launching an attack on Locanda IV with a new biological weapon.
Conversation videos (Youtube) (Polsy/Gamerstube)
At some point we (OK, this particular one was my fault) are going to have to choose a low morale response, guys. Maybe next update, maybe not for ages, but we're getting more than a bit Care Blair here.
Briefing Video (Youtube) Briefing Video (Gamerstube/Polsy)
Mission Video (Youtube) Mission Video (Gamerstube/Polsy)
Kills this mission: 13 though for some reason the game thinks I got 22, I have no idea why, unless maybe it counted the fighters I killed in the couple of unsuccessful attempts between the two parts of the video you see. The second part of the video that's uploaded was separated from the first part by I think two attempts, one where I ran into Origin's fuck you stack (Corvette, 3 Dralthi + 4 Darkets + 4 Dralthi, with no wingman...yeah, OK, I'll probably do something a bit like that later, but it won't be in a Hellcat) and one where Flint died attacking the cruiser, probably because I'd not quite mastered the art of massacring the first set of Darkets with missiles yet. I'd like to point out that I didn't gain anything from using the retry function, since I didn't take any damage or use any missiles in the first part nor did I use up more than a full tank of burner fuel between the two missions.
Ship of the day:
Class: Stealth Fighter
Length: 30 m
Mass: 16 tonnes
Max Velocity: 480 kps
Afterburner Velocity: 1200 kps
Maximum Yaw/Pitch/Roll: 70/80/70 degrees\second
Weapons: 2x Meson gun, 2x Laser gun, 5x missile hardpoints (default loadout is FFs)
Decoys: 6
Shields: 6 cm durasteel equivalent all sides
Armour: Fore: 4 cm durasteel Left: 2cm Right: 2cm Rear: 4cm
Other: Cloaking Device
Official Strategy Guide: Stealth fighters are such a pain. In cloak, out of cloak, in cloak, out of cloak, zap, in cloak. The good news is that the Strakha has a weak defense, making even the Darket look tough. You can probably take it out with just one or two good blasts at full guns. The problem is getting it in your sights. One missile hit would take out a Strakha easy, but just forget about getting a missile lock through its cloak. If you're attacked by a squadron of Strakha, fire a salvo of FF missiles. Even if one ship cloaks out, each missile will search out another one and reassign itself to a visible target. Strakha will always cloak up as soon as you turn to face them, and won't uncloak until they get around to your rear or flanks. The only way to get a Strakha in your front sights is to wait until he uncloaks to attack you, then whirl around and surprise him. Get those shots off fast, because you won't get many before he cloaks up again. Rear turrets are very handy against Strakha, because they only cloak up when they're in your front sights.
Even if you can't see a Strakha, it's still there. And if you get lucky and hit it, it will take damage. Don't hesitate to squeeze off a few shots after the Strakha enters cloak. Strakha pack a lot of FF missiles, which don't need a lock to target you, so watch out for that surprise quick missile attack. The FF barrage is the Strakha's deadly ace-in-the-hole. The only way to take out a Strakha is to play cat and mouse until you can run it down. Chasing down a fighter this small and fast is time-consuming enough without the cloak - with the cloak it becomes an exercise in patience. Against mixed squadrons that include Strakha, save the Strakha until last. Other ships can be taken out much faster.
I say: The Strakha is hilariously weak and you've all seen it. I don't know why the OSG feels the need to go on and on about anti-Strakha tactics since it's pretty much the same in every fighter you fly - listen for the decloak noise, turn to face it, shoot, watch as it cloaks, repeat tactic if they aren't all dead yet. One pass in a Thunderbolt or Excalibur, two in an Arrow or Hellcat (sometimes one there too if the Strakha is particularly suicidal). Missiles would be a waste of time even if they didn't lose lock when the fighters cloaked. The guide is definitely right about ignoring Strakhas in a mixed group - they don't have very many guns and spend a lot of time cloaked, so they don't pose much threat.
Total kills (Wing Commander III): 9 missions / 69 kills
Total kills (this thread): 35 missions / 433 kills
Total kills (including previous thread): 145 missions / 1349 kills
Next time on Let's Play Wing Commander:
Same shit, different system