Part 1: Chapter 1-1: Exposition, Exposition, Exposition
(Before I begin with this first update, everyone should be prepared for a
Chapter 1-1: Exposition, Exposition, Exposition

This is our main character, Sagoon. I know it seems unoriginal, but try saying it out loud. It sounds halfway decent. His personality is Justice. Essentially, he raises trust by allowing friendly monsters to run away.

And as the snow seemed to dance like white flowers in the wind, a ghost-like shadow faintly emerged.

His sarcastic laugh resounded throughout the town of Duhan.

The Swordsman said earlier... that he'll be waiting at the Tavern.

This is the town of Duhan. We navigate the town through a series of options, rather than physically traversing it. We have the following locations available to us:

"You can recruit members and equip your party here. You may be asked to accept quests."
The tavern's primary purpose is, as explained above, to reshape your party and do quests. You can also pick up custom-made characters here, and practice disarming traps.

"Register or change a party member's occupation. You can also learn Allied Actions."
The Guild is where you create party members (Which gives me unpleasant flashbacks of The Bard's Tale, frankly). You can also change classes here if you meet the requirements, and buy new Allied Actions (AAs) if you have enough trust in your party to learn them.

"This is a save point where you can save your game data."
Pretty simple one, here. You can only save your game here. You can also Suspend play anywhere in the Labyrinth, which provides a temporary quicksave that deletes itself when you return to play again. Pretty useful function, considering you have to leave the Labyrinth entirely otherwise.

"A temple where an abnormal status can be healed, but a resurrection can possibly fail."
Salem Temple is where you heal all the nasty status ailments in the game, and where you revive fallen characters. We'll get into that warning in a bit.

"Your party can level up with rest at this lodge after gaining experience."
In addition to restoring your party to full health and magic, sleeping at the inn also allows you to gain levels.

"Buy/Sell equipment here. You can have items appraised, curses lifted and Magic Stones made."
Another good place to remember. More to follow shortly.

"Labyrinth formed by the distortion of space during the Flash. Monsters and traps await here."
The Labyrinth of Duhan is the only dungeon in the game. All danger begins here.
You know, that old Swordsman was probably just crazy. Let's go check out that Labyrinth.

It's hard to accurately animate these, but each area you enter has its own little splash animation that changes randomly.

No ugly orc's gonna order me around! Push him aside and go through.

Sagoon was kicked from #Duhan_Labyrinth by Guardian_Orc (You's make me mad!)
Oh well. Let's check out the town. Let's start with Salem Temple.

Warrior - You fool! Don't you dare try something like that again! You're lucky that you were able to be resurrected. If it failed, you would've been gone forever!
Thief - Yeah, that's right! Of course I'd like the treasures, but, you're more important than that!
He showed a bashful smile as he heard his comrades' words.

Most of these are pretty self-explanatory. You'll notice, however, that there's "Revive" and "Resurrect". Revive is the option you need if your party member falls in combat. However, if revival fails, or in certain other conditions in the game, a character will turn to a pile of ash. If they do, you need "Resurrect" to get them back. If that fails, you lose the party member forever. That's why saving before trying to revive someone is important.
Let's move on to the inn.

Well, we do have some kind of interest in the Labyrinth, after all.

The priestess looked uncertain. She was dissatisfied with the Queen's scheme.

Pretty simple one here.
Let's move on to Vigger's shop.

Young Lady - Only 10 G for this shield?! You just said this one is magical.
Shopkeeper - Oh, yeah... it was appraised as being magical. And a darn good shield, too.
Young Lady - Then it should be worth at least 1000... Nahhh, 5000 firm!
Shopkeeper - Ah, don't be such an amateur about it. Rui, you know the rules when it's not appraised beforehand. You've always known that anything unappraised is a straight 10 G.
Rui - You con artist! You're just taking advantage of the situation! Just because you're the only one who can appraise and lift curses! Forget it! Sorry for the trouble.
She turned her back toward the shopkeeper after waving her hand.

(Here you go, Rufus. You can make it your wallpaper. Let me know if you want it in a different resolution.)

Rui sighed and left the shop.

As that conversation demonstrated, Vigger is indeed the only shopkeeper in town who can appraise items and lift curses from people who equip cursed items. In fact... he's pretty much the only shopkeeper in town. If you choose "Make Spells"...

Then you meet Mrs. Vigger.
Hi there. This must be your first time. We make and separate Magic Stones here. And... what can I do for you?
We'll find several unusual items in this game which duplicate spell effects when used. We can also take these and combine them into Magic Stones, which can be used on a party member to teach them a spell. Further, using the same Magic Stone on a person over and over will level up the spell and make it stronger.
Okay, I guess I've put it off long enough. Let's go visit Luna's Bar. Coming next update!
Meeting the Swordsman -
Can't Go in the Labyrinth -
Salem Temple -
Inn -
Vigger's Shop -